Welcome to Medary.com Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 12:57 PM CST

Inflaming The Middle West

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Uff Da! Dem crazy Lut'rens up dere by Okoboji are just goin' nuts over dere, yah sure ya betcha . . .

Political satire by IowaHawk:

Military efforts to stabilize the violent ethnic Protestantism of the region have had a mixed record of success. U.S. paratroopers first landed along the Iowa/Minnesota border in early 2002 to root out extremist Uff Da militants, followers of the charismatic Lutheran cleric Pastor Duane Gunderson. Despite fears of being bogged down in the harsh Mankato winter, troops encountered little resistance, save sporadic eggings from ill-equipped insurgents atop the grain elevators of local cornlords. U.S. forces achieved swift success, taking as many as 1,500 Lutheran rebels into custody and bringing a momentary measure of stability to what has long been considered a dangerous Scandinavian backwater.

The closer you are to Sioux Falls/Sioux City/Minneapolis, the funnier this is.