Welcome to Medary.com Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 02:23 PM CST


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Memorial Day is about remembering. Remembering our honored dead, those who died in battle. At the same time, I think it is right and appropriate to remember those who served to protect those of us who didn't.

My father served in World War II. He was in Burma as a combat engineer. He had many stories, some he wrote down, fewer he shared with me, his youngest son. The most memorable one he told me concerned digging latrines in Burma.

He wasn't a "hero" in the sense that he charged into battle to save comrades (or maybe he did--like I said, he didn't share all of his stories.) But he served, he did his duty. He helped save the world, by digging latrines.

He came home, raised a family, surveyed dams and power lines, designed irrigation systems. He served, he did his duty.

This weekend, Memorial Day weekend, he is remembered.

I miss you, Dad.