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When Wackos Ruled, um, Kansas

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Of course you know of the learned group running the Kansas Board of Education, yes? These are the yahoos who don't think evolution is a good idea, but think that a mysterious creationism is. Well, they're baaaaaaackkkkkkk.....

From the Kansas City Star story entitled Evolution theory called impossible:

In a recent newsletter to constituents in western Kansas, board member Connie Morris calls evolution a “fairy tale” that has “anti-God contempt and arrogance.”
. . .
“In short, Darwin’s theory of evolution is biologically, genetically, mathematically, chemically, metaphysically and etc. wildly and utterly impossible,” Morris wrote constituents.

The article of course also reports that creationism opponents such as Board member Sue Gamble falls back on the "separation of church and state" canard.

What's truly sad is that both sides are profoundly mistaken. The evolutionists show a Luddite "contempt and arrogance" (to coin a phrase) for science with every word they utter.

Here's the fact: Evolution explains the available evidence and fits well with progress in related scientific fields. Creationism doesn't. Evolution (by extension into genetics) does a very good job of explaining how DNA can be changed over time--correlating well with other advances in bio-science.

Creationism on the other hand doesn't explain why we can manipulate dog genes to create dachshunds and great danes, how we can create hybrid varieties of wheat, how we can manufacture Roundup-ready corn. Before it can be taken seriously, it needs to be judged in the context of the entire field of life science. Not just in the context of Genesis.

I don't often side with the "liberals" but I'm with them on this one. Creationism is nonsense until sufficient evidence for it being correct is presented. Screeching that I somehow have “anti-God contempt and arrogance” or that "Darwin’s theory of evolution is biologically, genetically, mathematically, chemically, metaphysically and etc. wildly and utterly impossible” isn't evidence. It's intimidation, and presumption of the highest order.

This whole episode is a continuing stain on the reputation of Kansas. On the other hand, sitting here in suburban Kansas City on the Missouri side, it makes Missouri look comparatively that much better.