Welcome to Medary.com Sunday, March 09 2025 @ 05:29 PM CST

Under the radar: Electronic Prescription Monitoring

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A bill was signed into law last week by President Bush. I bet you haven't heard of it. This bill requires essentially all prescriptions to be gathered into government databases. If you're taking Prozac, Big Brother will know.

Todd over at Dangerous Liberty makes a point:

While standards and penalities for misuse of information are in supposedly a part of this bill, once the data has been misused, a penalty on the abuser doesn't undo the damage.
While I think Todd's inital reaction of "another reason to hate Bush" is a bit knee-jerk, he does modify that somewhat from "hate" to "extremely dislike". I'll agree that it's time for the libertarian right to crank up the heat on this Administration and this Congress on the whole spectrum of issues. That's why it's so frustrating that the Loony Left gets all the press.

There are serious issues out there but nobody wants to discuss them seriously. As usual, the Republicans get the words right but can't quite ever seem to do the right thing in the end.

Update: As Todd notes his original post was that it was a "valid reason to hate Bush" not "another reason . . . "--as opposed to the BS reasons dredged up by the Left. His comment regarding this is in, well, the Comments.