Do people really fall for this BS?
- Wednesday, September 07 2005 @ 07:10 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 4,739
Return-Path: []No, Mr. Abu Al-ConMan, for the sake of Humanity, I'd rather post your ridiculous spam e-mail on my web site so that all the world can see what a moron you are. Maybe if you're lucky your spam mailboxes on this page will get harvested by some nice bot and you'll be repaid ten-fold in the spam you've sent. Have a nice day. Oh, and learn how to spam in proper English, OK?
Received: (qmail 4384 invoked from network); 6 Sep 2005 22:05:27 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by with SMTP; 6 Sep 2005 22:05:27 -0000
From: "Mr. Abu Al-Karmel" []
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 23:08:31 +0200
Subject: Mr. Abu Al-Karmel(FROM IRAQ CENTRAL BANK)
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6900 DM
I am Mr. Abu Al-Karmel, I am working in Economic Development and Foreign contract payment Operations Department,in the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI).
My aim of writing you is to seek for your kindness assistance to allow me quickly transfer the sum of US$15.million dollars, into your account.It will interest you to know how this huge sum amount of funds came about.About two days before the United State and British, bombing began,Saddam Hussein, ordered his youngest son, Qusay, to remove the sum of US$1.billion (£640 million) from the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) The cash which was loaded on to three lorries.
That memorable day Qusay and a senior aide to the former president Saddam Hussein delivered the instruction in person to the bank's governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). And the money was removed without proper official documentations. The money was not debited. It was just remove from the foreign reserve vault. This illegal withdrawer created opportunity for our staffs working in the foreign payments department. We hastingly remove from the vault the sum of US$75.million, which we shared among ourselves working in the department,five in number. My share was US$15.million, the deal which was absolutely successfully.
Then,after the fall of Saddam,a Finance Company based in Jordan assisted me to move the fund as a Bond Deposit into Bank in EUROPE.Due to recent probe in our Apex Bank,i decided to leave and i am under cover in SENEGAL -AFRICA.
What I needed now is your "TRUST" HONESTY and TRANSPERENCY" since i would want you to receive the money into an account from the EUROPEAN Bank which i will disclose to you later on.I will also front you in any kind of investment that we might decide to enter later.
As a matter of fact,if i am convinced and with your declaration of interest in this deal,then,i will tell you the procedures to follow.For security of this transaction,i do hereby implore youto treat and maintain it with absolute confidentiality.
Please,if you are not dispose to assist,kindly destroy this letter for the sake of Humanity.
Looking forward to your urgent response.
Best Regard
Mr. Abu Al-Karmel
(What I want to know dumb/naive do you have to be to fall for this, er, nonsense?)