Rolling Roof Reaches Ridiculousness
- Thursday, March 02 2006 @ 09:28 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,860
Kansas City wants to put a rolling roof over Arrowhead and Kauffman Stadiums. And, get this: They want to give the naming rights money--to charity!
“This is the business community saying, ‘We’re going to pay for the roof essentially, so in return for that, we want to also deal with other issues that are important to Jackson County residents and the business community,’ ” said Pete Levi, president of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce.Hey, I've got a crazy wacky idea! How about using those millions of dollars to pay for the damned roof in the first place rather than taxing a million people who will never, ever set foot in the stadium? Hmm?
Jack Steadman, Chiefs vice chairman, concurred.Oh, Lord. Someone get this doofus some basic economic education. Mr. Steadman, the business community doesn't pay taxes. AT ALL. They just pass them through to their customers. You'd know that if you were involved in a real business, not the bizarro business world of the NFL.“I think it is a positive thing for the community, and it helped us get the support of the business community, because basically the business community pays the tax,” he said. “We felt it was a fair deal.”