Tired Of Being Lied To Yet?
- Tuesday, March 14 2006 @ 11:37 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,377
During a recent visit to Baghdad, I saw an enormous failure. On the part of our media. The reality in the streets, day after day, bore little resemblance to the sensational claims of civil war and disaster in the headlines.No one with first-hand experience of Iraq would claim the country's in rosy condition, but the situation on the ground is considerably more promising than the American public has been led to believe. Lurid exaggerations and instant myths obscure real, if difficult, progress.
I left Baghdad more optimistic than I was before this visit. While cynicism, political bias and the pressure of a 24/7 news cycle accelerate a race to the bottom in reporting, there are good reasons to be soberly hopeful about Iraq's future.
Perhaps if Old Media reporters would stop hiding in their Baghdad hotels (or worse, opining from the comfort of their Atlanta or New York offices) and start listening to those who have actually done real reporting from Iraq, like Michael Yon, Ralph Peters, Michael Totten, and many others, they just might perform a useful public service rather than simply participating in the echo chamber of despair.
Hat tip: Instapundit.