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WSJ on Katie's Move to CBS

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at OpinionJournal: New Time, Same Katie:

What's more interesting about Ms. Couric's becoming managing editor of a major network news show is that it will mean the end of the anchor as political cipher. In days past, whatever we suspected about their leanings, anchorpersons felt compelled at least to pose as disinterested reporters of "the way it is." Ms. Couric dropped that veil long ago.

The list of her utterances and leading questions posted on the Media Research Center's fretful Web site (www.mrc.org/projects/couric/welcome.asp) may not fully represent the range of her opinions and peeves. Unless she's a total fake on camera, though, there's little doubt about where Katie stands across the great red-blue divide. Democrats and their pet causes get tender respect; Republican and "conservative" policies get introduced in terms of the alleged threat they represent to our great nation.

Sadly, my Snookums is among the Perky One's big fans . . .