Welcome to Medary.com Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 02:58 AM CST

Calling Greater Kansas City libertarian/center-right bloggers!

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I was sitting around this afternoon, doing what I usually do (surf the Web), and I stumble across Tony's Kansas City blog (nice King Frog picture, by the way, Tony). He's apparently a nexus blogger (i.e. a blogger that lots of other local Kansas City-area bloggers know and link to). I had a thought: where are the libertarian/center-right Kansas City bloggers? There must be one or two other than yours truly here at Medary.com.

So, now having a mission, I commence to searching. The search started by going through the blogroll at kcbloggers.com. Holy moley, there are a lot of "alternative" bloggers. After running through about twenty of them, I grow weary and head off to Technorati.

At Technorati, I enter something like "kansas city blogs" and hurray! I find a KC-area blogger who describes herself as politically somewhere between Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan. Since the mere mention of Ann Coulter causes severe distress to my favorite mother-in-law, this amuses me greatly. Therefore, I'll be adding The Chatterbox Chronicles to my blogroll and probably to my Bloglines feed.

But the quest continues! If you're a blogger in the greater Kansas City area (i.e. states of Kansas and Missouri, or ties to the KC metro area) with a center/libertarian/moderate right political stance (your blog doesn't have to be primarily political, by the way) drop me a trackback here, sign up here and post your blog URL in the comments to this post, or e-mail to phil - at - haskett - dot - org. No Kos Kidz/"netroots" types, please.

Meanwhile, I am, therefore I surf . . .

This one's worth trotting out the Technorati tags