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Don't exhale, you're polluting!

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That's the claim of the State of Massachussetts in a case going before the U.S. Supreme Court (via the Cato Institute):

Earlier this week, as Washington floated away in a summer torrent that reporters glibly blamed on global warming, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, the mother of all climate changes cases.

The case represents a proceeding of several state Attorneys General, environmental groups, and others arguing that current law requires the federal government to classify carbon dioxide—the main global warming gas—as a "pollutant."

But is carbon dioxide a "pollutant," a harmless byproduct of human activity, or even an adjuvant? The fact is, no one knows. There's never been a truly comprehensive study of the net effects of powering our world on fossil fuels.

Those few of you who did not attend grade school science class may be surprised to know that you exhale carbon dioxide every time you breathe.  Plants use carbon dioxide as airborne food.

"Give a hoot, don't pollute, hold your breath, bring on death."