Welcome to Medary.com Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 01:25 PM CST

Mideast media meltdown

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Michelle Malkin meditates.

(Alliteration ends here)

(Click on the link to read the details)

The reputation of Old Media is in freefall right now, based on their dependence on biased Islamic stringers and photographers to provide them with "unbiased" reports from the Middle East.

Old Media needs to come clean, cut their losses, and start eyeing information they're getting from local sources much, much, much, much, much more critically, if they want to retain that small shred of credibility that they have remaining. (That's five M-words in a row, kind of a call-back to the previous alliteration. It would be funny if it weren't so serious.)

If they don't, it will be obvious to any reasonable observer that the Emperor is naked.

Update:  OK, it's late.  It was six M-words in a row.  G'nite, all.