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Couric takes over man's TiVO

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A lesson in being careful what you post on the Internet--a thread tonight on the Free Republic conservative news/discussion site:

TIVO HYJACKED? (Recording cBS Evinging New)NOT VAINITY!

It's pretty hard to explain, but there are a number of lessons to learn from this sorry affair:

1) don't trust your wife with your TiVO password,
2) don't suspect that THEY have taken over your TiVO without checking possible alternate hypotheses,
3) too many capital letters typed together is a WARNING that you may be a bit OUT OF CONTROL, just a bit,
4) spell-checkers are your friends,
5) know not for whom the spork weasel zots, it zots for thee.

It may be essential to be a regular on Free Republic to understand the humor.   I just don't know.