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ACORN workers indicted

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This story focused on ACORN's shady voter registration tactics in St. Louis, but the first Federal indictments for vote fraud in this year's election cycle come against ACORN workers in Kansas City:

The four indicted -- Kwaim A. Stenson, Dale D. Franklin, Stephanie L. Davis and Brian Gardner -- were employed by ACORN as registration recruiters. They were each charged with two counts.

Federal indictments allege the four turned in false voter registration applications. Prosecutors said the indictments are part of a national investigation.

ACORN says they turned the four in, and have fired them.  But how deep does the corruption go, really, and what are the links between ACORN and the Democratic Party?  Will these four Kansas City indictments be the last in Missouri this election cycle?  These indictments are part of a national investigaton. Where will the next rotten ACORN be found?

Hat tip:  Instapundit and Gateway Pundit.