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Road to the Summit: Gametime Shreveport

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Gametime approaches. So does a winter storm. Hurray! Well, it is basketball season . . . Snookums and I decide to change plans a bit, and so instead of going to Tulsa tomorrow, we'll go to Joplin, MO and see if the storm decides to go north. If it does, we'll run down I-44 to Tulsa for the Oral Roberts U. game. If it doesn't, we'll head back to KC during a window on Saturday afternoon where freezing rain is not expected on US 71. Go north, big storm, go north!

(want to read more?  Hit "read more" below.  Neat, huh?)

Having modified our plan, we head out for the game, stopping for supper at George's. No, not a pizza place, but yet another hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

I had fried oyster with french fries, cole slaw, and hush puppies, while Snookums went for the lunch special of ham, dressing, sweet potatoes, and cabbage. Recommended, if a bit on the oily side for the deep-fried stuff. Yum.

With that, we head to the game. Less than a capacity crowd joins us, although everbody's favorite sports media guys, T. Vandrovec of the Argus Leader (and, of course, El Bloggo) and S. Imming of WNAX, are in place and on the job. Vandrovec's the guy without the headphones.

With 1:53 to go before the game begins, I wondered how many of Centenary's 900 or so students would show up. Please note the very comfy-looking sofa right in the middle of the picture.

The game thread can be viewed over at sdsufans.com, so I won't bother saying much about the game, other than my Jackrabbits were close and competitive throughout.

At half-time, Centenary College introduced a new mascot, to go with "Gents" and "Ladies," their current athletic nicknames.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Centenary Catahoulas!

What the heck is a Catahoula? That's what we asked! Well, this is what Wikipedia has to say:

Catahoulas are highly intelligent, energetic, and quick, yet are generally very loving and gentle with children. They are inquisitive and have an independent streak. However, the Catahoula temperament is not suited for everyone; these dogs tend to be very protective of their territory and family, and also, may be aggressive toward other dogs—especially of the same sex. These traits, combined with their independent nature, their high energy levels, and physical strength, can make a Catahoula "too much dog" for inexperienced or meek owners, and can make having such a dog a liability in suburban neighborhoods. Ideally, a Catahoula should have proper obedience training, secure confinement on the owner's property, and an outlet for its energy. The ideal place for this breed would be in a rural area where they can have plenty of space to expend their energy. Some catahoulas may be aggressive towards children and others outside of the family.

A wider shot of the hound shows that a decent student contingent actually did wind up turning out, including two guys in maroon wigs (I think they were wigs) who did a fine job of heckling, in the glorious tradition of almost-out-of-control college students everywhere. Well done, wig-guys!

Also note in the lower right that Vandrovec and Imming are all over the Catahoula thing.

Oh, the final score? Centenary 80, South Dakota State 77. We had our chances, and then some.

Next up . . . Joplin. Will filbert and Snookums make it to Tulsa? Will they make it home? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of . . . The Road to the Summit.