In the days before CNN, countries used to send delegations to foreign countries, to keep the lines of communication open between the two peoples, to send messages back and forth, and, of course, to gather intelligence. Contrary to what some may believe, it's a good thing to know more about foreign countries, their people, how they think, what they consider to be important.
So, I suppose in that vein, Obama thinks it's a good idea to talk with Iran. You know, maybe it is. But first, I wonder if any Obama supporter can answer a simple question:
Why we don't have a U.S. Embassy in Iran? Traditionally, exchanging embassies is the way that two nations begin talking to one another, in a process called diplomacy. Because diplomacy is thought by most civilized nations to be important, there is a thing called diplomatic immunity. Civilized countries don't attack foreign ambassadors--at worst, they simply tell them to leave (i.e. designating them persona non grata).
To attack (or to allow to be attacked) a foreign embassy on your soil has historically been considered to be an act of war.
So, again, why is there no U.S. Embassy operating in Tehran?
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