Yahoo News:
Study: Chimps calm each other with hugs, kisses[*1]
For most folks, a nice hug and some sympathy can help a bit after we get pushed around. Turns out, chimpanzees use hugs and kisses the same way. And it works. Researchers studying people's closest genetic relatives found that stress was reduced in chimps that were victims of aggression if a third chimp stepped in to offer consolation.
Bonus points! It's an AP story. You perhaps had not heard that the AP wanted to
unilaterally repeal the Fair Use section of copyright law[*2] , saying "you can't quote us! At all!"
Now that's monkey-thinking.
So, therefore, I quote them. Come and get me, AP. When it's over, me and my lawyers will
own your ass. Perhaps it would help if you hugged someone right now.
Sometimes, simian-blogging is its own reward.
Notice: The AP quote above was used for criticism and commentary, allowed under U.S.C. Title 117. Oh, for bonus points, I'm using it for purposes of satire and ridicule, and do not expect to reap any commercial benefits at all. Therefore, it is a permitted and legal use of copyrighted material and any "takedown" request would violate the DMCA, and I would aggressively pursue all legal recourse for any such false request. Deal with it, AP.