There's already enough unease in certain circles about Obama's neo-fascist tendencies without him going and saying scary crap like this:
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set," he said. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."
So . . . Obama wants . . . a domestic army, not subject to posse comitatus[*1] ? Brownshirts? What, exactly? The people picking up the pieces after the Civil War didn't think that would be such a good idea.
Or this is, perhaps, another "inartful" statement by the master of oratory? I'm not sure which is scarier . . . an Obama that actually means what he says, or an Obama as President who can't get out of his own rhetorical way. When you're dealing with foreign leaders who don't necessarily have the best interests of Americans at heart, can you afford to be "inartful?"
The political left is fond of denouncing the "fascism" of the political right. Do you suppose they will notice, creeping up on them, putting an arm around them and saying soothing and uplifting words, telling them to Hope for Change, the very thing that they most fear, but with a smiley face[*2] ?
Via the
Baltimore Sun's blogs[*3] through[*4] and
Protein Wisdom[*5] .