I'm sorry. I tried. I really did. I sat in front of my big-screen TV, on my Big-Ass Sectional couch in the basement, with a large mug of Coke Zero at my arm, and I tried to watch the Democratic National Convention--on C-Span, to get by the blathering of the news channel talking heads and actually listen to what the convention speakers had to say.
I lasted about five minutes.
There really are two Americas--two worlds. There's the one where the Democrats live, and the other one, where I live.
The Democrats' one is where health care, education, racism, sexism, whatever-ism are, now and forever, the main issues to be addressed. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is, now and forever, the single policy prescription to solve all of those problems. Economics and human nature both can be changed, if only we believe hard enough.
That's the philosophy of Dorothy in Oz. Click your heels together and say "I want it to be better, I want it to be better, I want it to be better." Hey guys, remember that Oz was a fever dream of Dorothy's. It wasn't real--even in the movie, it wasn't real.
What the Democrats want is not Change. What they want is all too familiar--we've seen it before. What the Democratic Party wants is, exactly, Marxism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." That is a policy prescription that has been proven over and over and over by history to be disastrously wrong. It destroys the very thing that it seeks to save--human dignity and individual liberty.
The ONLY change I see to the decades-long cry of "workers of the world, unite!" is the overlay of watermelon environmentalism (green on the outside, red on the inside) giving an additional veneer of save-the-worldism to the tired bromides of socialism.
The seductive siren song of collectivism will always be with us. And it must always be opposed, for the sake of the least of us--for the sake of all of us.
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