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The last person to post on yesterday's McCain-Palin rally

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I suspect I have somehow managed to become the last person to blog on yesterday's McCain/Palin rally in Lee's Summit, Missouri (my cozy and comfortable home town).

At this point, I suppose I just need to prove that I was there.  But since I always have a mental block against such things, I took no pictures of myself or of Snookums, standing in that enormous snaking line going into the John Knox Village Pavillion.

The rally itself was . . . OK, I guess.  I think I'm not a rally-kind of person.  It was all interesting and everything, but it's not really an experience I need to repeat.

So, on to the pictures and, a first for Medary.com, our very own YouTube videos of the event.  They're crappy, hard-to-watch, kinda hard-to-hear videos, but what the heck, I had to play with my new camera (which, of course, I still owe my eight readers a review of).  So much Internet to surf, so little time . . .
We're in the right place

Taking a picture of Fox 4's standup

A small part of the long line to get in

The Straight Talk Express, departing

Palin's stump speech, in two parts (warning, really bad quality, but hey, it's my first try at YouTubing a public event. I've got a lot of room to improve. Anyway, here it is:

I was going to post McCain's stump speech video here, too, but for some reason the two parts didn't get uploaded to YouTube. Trust me, it's probably for the best.  The video quality is equal in crummyness to the Palin videos. Oh well.  Progress is sometimes measured in learning what NOT to do.

Still, I came home with a McCain yard sign.  (No Palin on it, just McCain.  Grr.)  It isn't up yet, but I've got Snookums to agree to let me put it up.  That's why I married that gal!  (Well no, not really, but it helps, I guess.)

Others who blogged the Lee's Summit rally:

Dee at Conservatism With Heart

 NiceDeb at, er, NiceDeb who, all in all, did a much better job than I did.