I don't have to post on the
connections of Obama's senior advisors[*1] to the Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac debacle, and the high overall content of
Democrat fingerprints[*2] all over the home mortgage mess that's
currently metastasizing throughout the financial sector[*3] .
Nor do I have to post on the unconscionably sleazy hacking into Palin's private Yahoo e-mail account and spreading the contents far and wide across the Internet--in an attempt to find more sleaze with which to slime the Alaska Governor.
Nor do I have to post on Obama's continuing confusion regarding who he's running against (G.W. Bush?
Rush Limbaugh?[*4] Who is that white-haired old man with the funny walk, anyway?)
Nor do I have to post on Obama's continuing efforts to silence political opponents by organizing concerted campaigns to
simply shout them down[*5] .
Because, you know, I'd really like to.
covered pretty[*11]
well[*12] .