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Nigerian scam e-mail

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Hey, I just got one!
From - Sat Jan 31 08:49:52 2009
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From: Chevron Texaco chevrontexaco@chevron.ng
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Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:02:54 GMT
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Head Office 8,Macarthy Street,
P.M.B Box 166 Abuja, Nigeria.
Tel:+2348 - 05649 - 4593

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of One Million, United States Dollars,
($1,000,000.00) for this year 2009 Lotterypromotion which is organized by CHEVRON TEXACO

These are your identification numbers:

Batch number....................(redacted)
Reff number......................(redacted)
Winning number...............(redacted)

These numbers fall within your Location file, you are requested to contact the events manager/Claims
Department, send your winning identification numbers to him,to enable him verify your claims.

Name: Dr. Anthony Moore
Tel: +2348 - 0564 - 94593
Fax: +2347 - 0388 - 65054
E-mail: chevronoilpetrolemclaims@gmail.com

Also provide listed informations:

Full Names:
Forwarding Address:
Country of Residence:
Marital Status:
Phone no:

Thank you and Accept my hearty congratulations once again

Yours faithfully,
Mrs.Mary Jones

Thank you, Mrs. Mary Jones, from somewhere in the Czech Republic, for making me smile--AGAIN.