Tonight, we are all Kenneth Gladney
- Friday, August 07 2009 @ 05:26 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,191
Kenneth Gladney is the (black) guy who was (allegedly) beaten by a pair of SEIU union thugs in St. Louis, for doing nothing more than trying to make a buck off of the Tea Partiers. Mary Katherine Ham at the Weekly Standard:
Gladney appeared on Neill Cavuto's show today, with (his friend and attorney)David Brown. Some reports have called him a conservative activist, but both Brown and Gladney said he's not. Gladney, who is currently unemployed, was at the event to sell buttons and "Don't Tread on Me" flags to attendees."He said, 'What kind of n-word are you to be giving out this stuff?,' and he snatched the button board. I snatched the button board back and he proceeded to hit me in the face."
"They actually broke my glasses off of my face when they started beating me."
"I was just there to try to make an honest dollar and try to learn something about this type of gathering."
"I just don't think anyone should have to go through what I went through."
He also said he was not paid or asked to be at the event or to start any trouble.
In the video, a black man in a tan polo shirt (Gladney) is clearly being picked up and pulled to the ground by a much larger white man wearing the signature purple SEIU t-shirt (:05).
A black man and a white man, both wearing SEIU t-shirts walk away from the melee after other protesters bring attention to it, and call for police. The black SEIU member, rubbing his shoulder, says at one point, "He pushed me," as protesters accuse him of attacking the man in the tan shirt. The black SEIU guy sounds like he's looking for his "keys," but I can't be sure. In the background, the white SEIU guy is in a verbal argument with someone in a white polo who says, "You attacked him. You're going to jail!," which elicits and "F*** you" from the white SEIU guy.
When Gladney is brought back over to the scene, this time with an escort, he yells, "Where are my glasses?" at which point the black SEIU guy seems to hand something over to him, but it's obscured.
"What the hell is wrong with y'all?" Gladney exclaims. "Why'd you hit me? Did I bother you?" (0:43)
The camera then pans back to the man in the white polo and the white SEIU guy:
"You attacked that guy for nothing," says white polo.
"No, we didn't attack him for nothing," SEUI guy replied, adding something I can't understand. (:53)
A black guy, just trying to earn some money, gets rolled over by President Obama's minions. An apt analogy for what's happening in America generally right now. It's up to Obama now to call off his hit squads and goons, and let the raucous, loud, sometimes uncomfortable but always non-violent American political discussion continue.
If he doesn't, this will escalate, and not even The One will be able to fully control events if that happens.
The whole world is watching.