Sunday morning linkstorm
- Sunday, August 16 2009 @ 08:41 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,051
So, in celebration, here's a sleepy, easy bunch of links to stories that I think might be interesting but am frankly too lazy to read in depth.
I deeply resent the Americans sneering at our health service - but perhaps that's because the truth hurts at the UK's Daily Mail;
Why The Public Isn't Buying It-- Liberals Overplayed Their Hand at the NY Post;
54% Say Passing No Healthcare Reform Better Than Passing Congressional Plan at Rasmussen Reports;
Preexisting Conditions at Powerline;
2010 Summit League Basketball Tournament Tickets On Sale Aug. 31 at the Summit League;
A Fundamental Disconnect by Ron Lipman at American Thinker;
What to Do About Pre-existing Conditions at Cato;
Real Health Care Reform by Arnold Kling at Library of Economics and Liberty;
Facial Expressions Show Language Barriers, Too at Science Daily;
Manufactured Healthcare Crisis by James Simpson at American Thinker;
Obama, Ayers and the Knowledge 'Too Big' To Handle by Jack Cashill at American Thinker;
Beware the Counterrevolution by Andrew Thomas at American Thinker;
Lies, lies and more lies by David Haas at American Thinker;
Elite Meltdown by Nancy Morgan at American Thinker;
Keynes and Penn Spread Teller's Wealth Around! by Justin Ptak at Mises Economic Blog;
Macomb Township Tries To Repeal 2nd Amendment, Fails Epically UPDATED with first-hand picsat TheBlogProf;
Gun Rights Don't Apply In Domestic Violence Cases, Appeals Court Rules at CBS News;
Town halls not resulting in more presidential threats at The Hill;
ROBIN GIVHAN sneers at the dress of Town Hall protesters at Instapundit;
The Pirate Party!Arrrrr, matie!!!!!
Hard Questions Stagger Legislators at the Hartford Courant;
You don't Trust Me? by Paul Jacob at Townhall--about my very own clueless Senator, Claire McCaskell;