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This is how government destroys wealth

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Warren Meyer, who blogs at Coyote Blog, lives in Arizona, and occasionally considers installing a solar power setup for his house. Then, he thinks a bit more:

So — I officially reverse my past conclusions that home solar does not pay. It can in fact be a good investment — for you. For the country, it is a terrible investment. Your neighbors are contributing $57,930 in subsidies while you receive just $12,081 in benefits. The remainder, just over $45,000, is a dead-weight loss to the economy. It is money destroyed by the government.

This is surprisingly like the ethics problem of pulling a lever to get a million dollars but someone you don’t know in China dies. The only difference is that you get $12,000 and someone you don’t know loses $58,000.

Emphasis in original.

Government does not create wealth. It destroys wealth. "No country ever gained prosperity by taxing itself more."