What is "corrupton" -- general definition
- Monday, September 21 2009 @ 12:17 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,788
The general definition is:
* Pronunciation: \kə-ˈrəp-shən\
* Function: noun
* Date: 14th century
1 a : impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle : depravity b : decay, decomposition c : inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (as bribery) d : a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct
2 archaic : an agency or influence that corrupts
3 chiefly dialect : pus
Are we, as an entire society, becoming more corrupt? Less virtuous and moral? More depraved? More willing to "bend the rules"--to do wrong by improper and unlawful means? Have we departed from the original purpose of the American Experiment?