Welcome to Medary.com Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 08:32 PM CST

It's melting!

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No, not the Wicked Witch of the West . . . the equally wicked Global Warming/Climate Change pseudoscientific cult. The product of defecation is hitting the rotating air circulation device now. And that product is spattering all over everyone who has been convinced that The World Is Getting Hotter And We Are All To Blame.

Don't think so? Then you haven't been paying attention.

Or, you've been watching CNN, or even, God help you, MSNBC.

Some links:
Climategate: “Men behaving badly” – a short summary for laymen from the irreplaceable Watts Up With That.
How to Forge a Consensus from the Wall Street Journal;
More AGW Controversy from Richard Fernandez;
Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away from George Monbiot at the U.K.'s Guardian;
There Was Proof of Fraud All Along from Vincent Gray at Pajamas Media.

The bottom line is fraud. Fraud on a scale never before seen on this planet--literally. Not just scientific fraud. The really expensive kind--the money kind of fraud, as in a confidence game. "Get the confidence of the mark, then take him for all he's worth" sort of fraud.

Global Warming/Climate Change isn't just a simple hoax the New Piltdown Man. It's the New Eugenics. From the same so-called "progressive" side of the political spectrum. And, for the most part, for the same reasons. To "make things better."

Why do so many grandiose schemes to "make things better" actually result in things getting worse?