Welcome to Medary.com Monday, February 24 2025 @ 02:11 AM CST

NOW they've done it . . .

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  • Views: 1,740
They've made Iowahawk go all serious and stuff.

See what global warming has done? Made the Internet's preeminent satirist go all statistical and stuff. And the fact that he riffs off of the title of the best R.E.M. album is just an unexpected but delightfully ironic bonus.

So, True Seeker Of Truth, you have two choices: either you read and follow his simple, easy instructions for seeing exactly how f*cked up "climate science" is, or . . .

Or, you can avoid the hard work yourself and start demanding real, skeptical science from people who call themselves "scientists" and haul down six- and seven-figure grants from government agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations that are desperate to maintain their relevance and to extend their political reach, scope, and power.

Don't make Iowahawk go Medieval Warm Period on your ass.