Link Dump: Lemmings leaping off the cliff edition
- Monday, December 21 2009 @ 02:44 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,580
How Many Americans Will Choose to be Uninsured Even if Insurance is Mandatory?
The illusion of design--on the folly of believing that anything coming from Congress could possibly be a "carefully designed system."
The Health Care Fight Has Just Begun.
When liberal dreams collide with public opinion by the ever-insightful Michael Barone.
Will people comply with health-insurance mandate?
Washington Post: Obamacare “Unsustainable”
Left Now Admitting Obamacare Full of Budget Gimmicks.
Impermissible Ratemaking in Health-Insurance Reform: Why the Reid Bill is Unconstitutional--WARNING: serious Constitutional law scholarship here.
Who's responsible for the Senate's middle-of-the-night vote?
Who's Meaner, Insurance Bureaucrats or Government Bureaucrats? And the answer . . .
Shocker: Medicare Has A Higher Claim Denial Rate Than Private Sector Employers.
What Happened To The Mandates?
Senate: This Is About Life & Death ... and Pork.
Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of Unintended Consequences!
Deep in Health Bill, Very Specific Beneficiaries --hark! I hear the oinking of pigs at the trough! Too bad they're feasting on US!
Now, let us meditate upon the cliff which the lemmings screeched to a halt in front of just before leaping off:
Guardian Headline – Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure.
Climategate: The Perils of Global Warming Models.
Questions over business deals of UN climate change guru Dr Rajendra Pachauri.
General political/public interest/miscellaneous links:
Balance Blocks News Info--why the vain quest for journalistic "fairness" is really a bad idea.
Code TEA: Tea Parties, Go Home! All Politics Is Local.
Voter angst: Nation might see third party rising.
Who is more respected: Sarah Palin or Al Gore?
There'll be nowhere to run from the new world government--from the Telegraph in the UK, who have already been down the road that we in the U.S. are in the process of joining arm in arm with the rest of the world's governments. They have seen our future and it does not work.
Study Shows Partisan Influence On Stimulus Spending--yeah, I know, knock you over with a feather.
The Problem is Spending, not Deficits--hey, here's a plan! Spend less money to balance the budget. Hmm. A crazy plan, but it just--might--work!
Brown Fat Revelations May Lead to New Weight Loss Drugs--health news that doesn't involve Congress. What a relief.
And, finally, something of a public service announcement as we enter the heart of the holiday season:
Dark Liquor Makes For Worse Hangovers
UPDATE: 3:58 p.m. minor editing for clarification and spelling. 4:01 p.m.--Fix broken html.