Morning Whip, Jan. 10, 2010
- Sunday, January 10 2010 @ 12:16 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,641
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Scott Brown Links
Live from Scott Brown HQ
Brown grassroots vs Coakley machine: "I don't think they play at all fairly"
Tea Party movement plans auto show protest
Palin and Jews
Jeff Crouere: Sarah Palin Speech To GOP In New Orleans...Let Presidential Election Begin
Mass Confusion: Brown Up a Point in One Poll, Coakley Up 15 in Another
Destination: New Orleans
More after the "Read More" . . . The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
President Obama To Sarah Palin: Where You Lead I Will Follow!
Analysis: Obama's buck-stopping goes only so far -- And that's the fundamental problem, isn't it? He's supposed to be the President, not the Whiner in Chief--or Captain Grandiose-Self-Image, either.
Harry Reid: Blithering Idiot-- as if you didn't know that already.
Race and Racism: What's the Connection? -- Any sin is forgiven, as long as your loyalty is only to The Party. The Party is All. The Party is Mother. The Party is Father.
Bill Clinton 2008 on Obama: A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee -- OK, not so much blithering idiots as hypocritical racist bastards . . .
‘Cadillac Tax’: Has Obama Told a ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Lie About His Position? -- What is "You betcha," Alex?
The Democrats and the "wimp factor"
The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Right-wing Nanny State -- Note to Republicans: Freedom is Good. You should be FOR it. So should Democrats, but as you may have noticed, I've basically given up on them now.
Poll: 75% of GOP Voters Say Republicans in Congress Have "Lost Touch" With Party's Base...
Michael Steele strikes again -- Sarah Palin for RNC Chairman? Now THAT would be entertaining.
Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies--because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
Judge Personally Ordered a Violation of the Fourth Amendment -- And a reminder for judges: "judge" is not a synonym for "tyrant."
"Good Enough for Government Work"
Pointless Hysteria about Terror -- actually, it does have a point, and one that the leftists were making during the Bush administration: people will sacrifice their liberty for security, despite Benjamin Frankln's warning. Of course, most leftists aren't serious about defending the liberty of anybody but themselves, but that's another argument.
The Who’s Mad At Us Today Report: Saturday Edition -- Toe the Party Line, or Face The Consequences. Is this America, or the Soviet Union?
Network Effects: Liberals and Conservatives in the Academy
Dem's 2010 Strategy to Win
Foreign affairs:
Paul Mirengoff: Why it's time to return to war against terrorism
The Economy:
Overthinking the bad loan problem
China overtakes Germany as biggest exporter
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Its a winter "wonderland" Florida
Lessons to Be Learned in the Climate Alarm Zone -- funny. Click through to see.
Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
No Public Option? -- We've been here before, the Democrats simply lie. They're lying now. It's just what they do.
The End of Insurance
Media bias--and incompetence:
How The Media Have Mangled The Pro-Life Story
Glass Houses, Ruth. Glass houses. -- people married to politicians or government bureaucrats probably shouldn't masquerade as objective journalists (*cough*Andrea Mitchell*cough*), or as columnists . . .
Jackrabbit women turn back Southern Utah
Roll Tide: The Universal Greeting
Jacks complete weekend road sweep
SDSU men beat Southern Utah by 10
Rotert's double-double lifts SDSU
What's wrong with the Jacks? -- Oh Noes! The SDSU women's basketball team won't win 30 games this year! The horror!
Science, technology, and space:
Google becoming "giant monopoly" - German minister -- I've switched to Startpage for my web searches, for now.
Patterico Receives Purported DMCA Takedown Notice from Photographer -- I guess this fits under "technology" . . .
8 Percent of Human Genome Was Inserted By Virus, and May Cause Schizophrenia -- and the virus was probably from Mars or somewhere like that . . .
Science Fiction and Writing:
An Interesting Thing Happened on the Way to Oblivion.
Science fiction: last bastion of the rational? -- actually, a significant chunk of SF contains the same kind of woolly-pated anti-rational mysticism that infests the rest of popular culture, not to mention politics today (viz. "anthropogenic global warming") . . .
SF in the age of the irrational: Shall we fight? -- News flash: as long as there are humans, there will be irrationalism. The worst sort of irrationalism is that which masquerades as rationalism--viz. collectivism, by any name you care to mention ("progressivism," "liberalism," "leftism," "Democratic Party of the United States," etc., etc.) Remove the plank in your own eye . . .
Summary: Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, 2009
Books You Can Live Without -- as the "progressives" start deciding which books to burn . . . with a special place on the bonfire for coffee table picture books . . .
Booklife on Support For Your Writing
Things Your Writer’s Group Never Told You -- Writer's group? What is this "writer's group" thing of which you speak?
Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Scott Brown Links
Live from Scott Brown HQ
Brown grassroots vs Coakley machine: "I don't think they play at all fairly"
Tea Party movement plans auto show protest
Palin and Jews
Jeff Crouere: Sarah Palin Speech To GOP In New Orleans...Let Presidential Election Begin
Mass Confusion: Brown Up a Point in One Poll, Coakley Up 15 in Another
Destination: New Orleans
More after the "Read More" . . . The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
President Obama To Sarah Palin: Where You Lead I Will Follow!
Analysis: Obama's buck-stopping goes only so far -- And that's the fundamental problem, isn't it? He's supposed to be the President, not the Whiner in Chief--or Captain Grandiose-Self-Image, either.
Harry Reid: Blithering Idiot-- as if you didn't know that already.
Race and Racism: What's the Connection? -- Any sin is forgiven, as long as your loyalty is only to The Party. The Party is All. The Party is Mother. The Party is Father.
Bill Clinton 2008 on Obama: A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee -- OK, not so much blithering idiots as hypocritical racist bastards . . .
‘Cadillac Tax’: Has Obama Told a ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Lie About His Position? -- What is "You betcha," Alex?
The Democrats and the "wimp factor"
The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Right-wing Nanny State -- Note to Republicans: Freedom is Good. You should be FOR it. So should Democrats, but as you may have noticed, I've basically given up on them now.
Poll: 75% of GOP Voters Say Republicans in Congress Have "Lost Touch" With Party's Base...
Michael Steele strikes again -- Sarah Palin for RNC Chairman? Now THAT would be entertaining.
Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies--because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
Judge Personally Ordered a Violation of the Fourth Amendment -- And a reminder for judges: "judge" is not a synonym for "tyrant."
"Good Enough for Government Work"
Pointless Hysteria about Terror -- actually, it does have a point, and one that the leftists were making during the Bush administration: people will sacrifice their liberty for security, despite Benjamin Frankln's warning. Of course, most leftists aren't serious about defending the liberty of anybody but themselves, but that's another argument.
The Who’s Mad At Us Today Report: Saturday Edition -- Toe the Party Line, or Face The Consequences. Is this America, or the Soviet Union?
Network Effects: Liberals and Conservatives in the Academy
Dem's 2010 Strategy to Win
Foreign affairs:
Paul Mirengoff: Why it's time to return to war against terrorism
The Economy:
Overthinking the bad loan problem
China overtakes Germany as biggest exporter
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Its a winter "wonderland" Florida
Lessons to Be Learned in the Climate Alarm Zone -- funny. Click through to see.
Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
No Public Option? -- We've been here before, the Democrats simply lie. They're lying now. It's just what they do.
The End of Insurance
Media bias--and incompetence:
How The Media Have Mangled The Pro-Life Story
Glass Houses, Ruth. Glass houses. -- people married to politicians or government bureaucrats probably shouldn't masquerade as objective journalists (*cough*Andrea Mitchell*cough*), or as columnists . . .
Jackrabbit women turn back Southern Utah
Roll Tide: The Universal Greeting
Jacks complete weekend road sweep
SDSU men beat Southern Utah by 10
Rotert's double-double lifts SDSU
What's wrong with the Jacks? -- Oh Noes! The SDSU women's basketball team won't win 30 games this year! The horror!
Science, technology, and space:
Google becoming "giant monopoly" - German minister -- I've switched to Startpage for my web searches, for now.
Patterico Receives Purported DMCA Takedown Notice from Photographer -- I guess this fits under "technology" . . .
8 Percent of Human Genome Was Inserted By Virus, and May Cause Schizophrenia -- and the virus was probably from Mars or somewhere like that . . .
Science Fiction and Writing:
An Interesting Thing Happened on the Way to Oblivion.
Science fiction: last bastion of the rational? -- actually, a significant chunk of SF contains the same kind of woolly-pated anti-rational mysticism that infests the rest of popular culture, not to mention politics today (viz. "anthropogenic global warming") . . .
SF in the age of the irrational: Shall we fight? -- News flash: as long as there are humans, there will be irrationalism. The worst sort of irrationalism is that which masquerades as rationalism--viz. collectivism, by any name you care to mention ("progressivism," "liberalism," "leftism," "Democratic Party of the United States," etc., etc.) Remove the plank in your own eye . . .
Summary: Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, 2009
Books You Can Live Without -- as the "progressives" start deciding which books to burn . . . with a special place on the bonfire for coffee table picture books . . .
Booklife on Support For Your Writing
Things Your Writer’s Group Never Told You -- Writer's group? What is this "writer's group" thing of which you speak?