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Morning Whip, Jan. 11, 2010

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I surf the Web, so you don't have to!

Amtrak "Train From Hell" Delayed Almost 24 Hours -- Could have been in the Global Warming section . . .

Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Where Has the Republican ‘Market’ Gone? Should We Go There?
Yeah, That Globe Poll Looks Wrong
Dems Worried About Coakley
Tucker Carlson is completely out of his mind -- "Jim Treacher" aka Sean Medlock finds a new bloggy home . . .
Red invades Blue
Jillian Bandes: Palin stays one step ahead of the political class

More after the "Read More" . . . The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Top White House Official Admits Jobs Picture “Still Terrible” …Update: Obama Disappointed His Economic Plan Is a Failure

Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies--because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
Wait, I thought Republicans were the party of big business? -- No, the alliance of Big Business and Big Government does NOT advance freedom and liberty, either . . .
Why Are Jews Liberals? Part Two
Obama Nation: Abandon Ship! -- Monday morning comics . . .
Question of the Day: How do you spot a Concern Troll or Eeyore?
The Democrats’ Self-Righteous Subterfuge: Accusations of Republican Racism, Sexism, “Homophobia”
Transparent Fictions -- more evidence that Democrat leaders are more malignant than they are idiotic . . . in fact their idiocy flows directly from their malignancy . . .
An online blueprint of the Left
Palin derided by top McCain aide, book -- Steve Schmidt is an enemy of freedom, and is just trying to save his sorry excuse for a career in politics . . . it won't work, unless he's planning to switch to the Democrats . . .
Blood for Oil Chronicles -- "No Blood For Oil" was a classic Concern Troll strategy . . . the people who chanted that cared not at all about either oil or blood . . . but only about naked political power . . .
Democrats to Repeat GOP’s Winning ‘06 Strategy This Fall
Oh My– Hillary Accused Obama of Cheating in Primaries
Republican John Colbert on ‘Congressional Terrorism’ in California
The Democratic Double-Standard on Race: I’ve Lived It
Does the Government Own the Whole Economy? -- Collectivists think so . . . if you think you have a claim on somebody else's income or possessions, then you're a collectivist. Or a thug (the two differ only in tactics, not in strategy). . .
The Planning States of the 1940s -- ". . . those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it . . . "

Foreign affairs:
The limits of "surge and run"
Obama Aids the Enemy He Will Not Name
Failing to Connect the Plots

The Economy:
The budget crisis of the states
Bull market grows up -- Translation: We're near the top . . .
Oil rises above $83 amid strong Chinese demand
AP: Obama’s Spending on Roads & Bridges Did Nothing to Curb Unemployment

"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
The mini ice age starts here -- If you think too much sun is bad, try too much snow . . .
December 2009: Second Snowiest on Record in the Northern Hemisphere
Mother Nature's Sucker-Punch
America slides deeper into depression as Wall Street revels -- Usually, the foreign press sees more clearly into America than most American media does . . .

Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Insurance mandate starting to become a political albatross

Media bias--and incompetence:
Study: Newspapers still a step ahead in local news -- The last redoubt?

Johnson's double-double helps No. 4 Tennessee cruise to victory-- Women's basketball . . .
No. 16 Tennessee upsets No. 1 Kansas 76-68 -- Men's basketball . . .
Why hasn’t free-throw shooting improved through the years?
Hard Knox: No. 1 Kansas falls to No. 16 Tennessee
SDSU men keep it moving

Science Fiction and Writing:
The Writing Front: Scratching My Head about Story Length
A Story A Week Challenge: Week One
Alien Languages - how foreign would they really be?
On Anachronisms
How to kill a writing career
Writing Your Book, part I: Getting Started

How to brew a good cup of coffee
Top ten signs your new year is off to a bad start