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Morning Whip, Jan. 12, 2010

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A (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention. (Yeah, it's possible I might have ADD . . .)

Anyway--"I surf the Web, so you don't have to!"

Harry Reid: US Airways 'shortsighted' for axing Las Vegas hub -- Well, Harry: a) US Airways has a hub--and is based--in Phoenix, and b) there's a recession going on and airlines are hanging on by their fingernails, in case you haven't noticed . . .
JFK's largest runway to close for 4 months
Are Total Body Scanners Safe? The Jury Is Still Out
Body scanners can store, send images, group says
Just Say No to Airport Paranoia
Is flying still worth the hassle? 27% of U.S. travelers say 'no'
JFK to Close a Runway for Four Months, Prepare to Cry -- "it's gonna suck."

More after the "Read More" . . . Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Palin Signs on With FoxNews, as Contributor The "Arctic Fox" lands on her feet, again--and fittingly, with Fox News . . .
Palin signs “multi-year” deal to become Fox analyst
Tim Pawlenty Endorses Scott Brown
Report from the Tea Party in front of the Auto Show at the Cobo Center in Detroit (with video) -- the guy's a prof at Oakland U. but I'll forgive him that . . .
He did it: Brown raises $500,000 in single day, now pushing for $750,000
Sarah Palin Gets Her Old Job Back -- In case you haven't noticed, I believe Sarah Palin "gets" liberty and freedom, in a way that the leadership of the Democratic Party (or the Republican Party, come to think of it) simply doesn't. I like Palin. Those others--not so much.
Palin to Debut as Fox News Contributor Tomorrow on O'Reilly (Updated with Promo Video) -- "Tomorrow" being today, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010.
Amazing: Scott Brown about to raise $1 million for the day; Update: Done!
Chalk One Up?
Can Mr. Brown go to Washington?
The Second Boston Tea Party?
Fifteen Minutes that Changed Libertarian Publishing
Mises.org on iTunes U
Rage against machine
Brown for Senate
Scott Brown’s Money-Bomb Racks Up $1.3 Million in One Day
Colleen O'Conner: Governor Palin is “Captain and Commander” of Her Own Ship
Leslie Sanchez: Palin Taking a Page From Reagan Playbook

The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
A C-SPANer in the works, or “Read my lips” for Obama -- Although technically, we, collectively, voted for Obama, which makes us all, collectively, blithering idiots I'm afraid . . .
So much for shovel-ready projects -- "Jobs? You wanted Jobs? Oh, sorry. Our bad. We thought you wanted Pork and Political Spoils. Well, some of you, anyway--the ones who gave us gobs of cash in 2008. Anyway, gosh, we're so sorry about this niggardly little mixup! (Can we use that word? Oh, it's OK? Cool.) Vote for us this November and we'll get right on fixing it all up. It's Bush's fault, anyway." -- your friends, the Democrats.
Obama Blew His First Important Decision -- Joe Biden. Joe Biden?
Obama quietly abandons magical “jobs created or saved” metric for even phonier metric -- "“Instead, recipients will more easily and objectively report on jobs funded with Recovery Act dollars,” Orszag wrote." Crossing that line from idiot to moron. Assuming there is a line, that is . . .
Oh my: Obama under 50% approval for first time in CBS poll -- People to Obama: We don't love you any more. (A lot of us never really did.)
Feingold Criticizes Reid, Declines to Endorse Him as Leader -- I actually have a grudging respect for Russ Feingold. I disagree with him on almost every policy position you can think of, but the man does appear to have the courage of his convictions, unlike 99% of the Congressweasels he serves with . . .
Philip Klein: An Elitist RINO Who Doesn’t Understand Sarah Palin’s Appeal to Real Americans -- Heh (to coin a quip) . . .
Coakley says no more terrorists in Afghanistan -- And yet she thinks she's qualified to be Massachusetts' senator . . .
Dodd’s agenda backfired right before his eyes

The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
You Know, David Brooks Is Sort of an Elitist Crypto-Fascist Douchebag -- OK, David Brooks isn't in the Republican Leadership, being the house "conservative" of the New York Times. Doesn't matter. He is a blithering idiot.

Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies--because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
Conflict of Interest? What Conflict of Interest?
P.C. Never Died -- University speech codes are the front line of the conflict between freedom and its enemies. (Hint: if you're for a speech code at a university, then you're an illiberal thug. If your response to those you disagree with is to shout them down, you're an illiberal thug. Universities are infested with illiberal thugs masquerading as "liberal" "progressives.")
Dems' Dirty Deals -- it's about health care, but we all know now, it's not really about health care. It's about Them controlling the rest of Us, who just want to mind our own business.
Obama Ally Code Pink Invites Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Join Us In Cleansing Our Country’
Horseshoes, Hand Grenades, and the FCC: Will the Courts Ground Internet Regulation?
New Year Pessimism
The Shaky Science Underlying New York's Salt Assault
How Ukrainian Soccer Explains Planned Economies
Man Verbally Attacks Bush -- see above discussion of university speech codes . . .
Weird Old Crackpot Novelist: To Me Hell Is the United States of Today
Court to FCC: “You can’t get an unbridled, roving commission to go about doing good.” -- An argument for abolishing the FCC. If a governmental department overreaches, the proper response of the People is to terminate it, with extreme prejudice.
The Power Of Thin Skin -- Ignore, Ridicule, Spin, Deny, Lie. That's the all-too-familiar progression of the frequent leftist assaults on truth. It's well past time they got a heaping dose of their own medicine.
AP source: Obama considers levy for rescued firms -- The Government Giveth and the Government Taketh Away. "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything you have."
Sarah Palin: One more reason to not watch Fox News -- More even-handed caring and compassion from the collectivists . . .
I Wonder If Gergen Realizes That Was The Election
Wheels Coming Off for Massachusetts Democrats?
Scott Brown’s Inverse “Macaca Moment”
Blue to Red: Massachusetts Senate Race
Some Americans Need Help
Oliver Stone's history: so banal, and yet so offensive
That Other War -- Possibly Reagan's biggest mistake was ramping up the "War on Drugs."
Harry Reid and the Costs of Expanding the Definition of Racism
MIT economist and federal contractor Jonathan Gruber denies conflict of interest despite advocacy for Obama health plan

Foreign affairs:
Iran and Its Revolutions
Islam and the West: 'Overlapping Consensus' or Capitulation?
A New Pirate Catcher: The U.S.S. Independence

The Economy:
Golden State Off the Rails As Mass Transit Ridership Plummets
Chinese officials fled overseas with $50 billion -- Huh. Totalitarian governments are populated with crooks. Who'd have thunk it?
A Tsunami of BS
The IRS Is Auditing Harvard
Tax Audits Are No Laughing Matter: A president shouldn't even joke about abusing IRS power. -- As Harvard is about to find out (unless, of course, political pressure is put on the IRS to softball Harvard . . . any bets on whether or not that happens?)

"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Pope denounces failure to forge new climate treaty -- While I'm reluctant to call the Pope a blithering idiot . . . I was raised Lutheran, after all . . .
Mini-Ice Age?
Freeze mauls Florida citrus, significant damage seen
So Hot, We'll Freeze to Death
IPCC scientist: Global cooling headed our way for the next 30 years?
Modeling to the 2nd degree: back to the future
Not as bad as they thought: Coral can recover from climate change damage
To plow or not to plow? The cost of inaction can be higher
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Central Florida citrus growers hit by freeze again

Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Opposition to Government Medicine Remains Firm -- Unfortunately, so does the determination of the blithering idiots in Washington to pass the damn thing . . .

Media bias--and incompetence:
Media does matter for America
More disgrace at NPR
NYT & David Brooks: Intellectuals Я Us
Atlantic Columnist Condemns Boring, Longwinded Journalism

Oakland Returns to Mid-Major Top 25 Poll -- Speaking earlier of Oakland . . . the one in Michigan . . .
Tarkanian blasts NCAA as ‘crookedest’ organization
SDSU comeback falls short in KC -- Women's basketball: new year, new teams. This is what's great about college sports--it always changes.
Sports briefs: UMKC never trails, tops SDSU women
Mecklenburg's message: 'Control your own future' -- "Success is overcoming obstacles on the way to your dreams. You'll never know what you're capable of unless you have the courage to step out and try new things."
Tuesday Tidbits

Science, technology, and space:
Reuters: Apple Tablet to ship in Q2, enclosure to be brushed aluminum
NYT: Apple Tablet to require “complex new vocabulary” of gestures, include iWork
Q+A: What's driving China's latest Web crackdown
CES: An electric Snuggie -- Again . . . when I was growing up, "snuggie" had an entirely different meaning . . .

Science Fiction and Writing:
Kevin Burns Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Reboot

Christopher Elbow to open ice cream shop south of Plaza
Raft or bridge: How did iguanas reach tiny Pacific islands?
Lincoln's MKX crossover takes aim at Audi, Lexus
REVIEW: Spirit of John Hughes Returns With ‘Youth In Revolt’