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Morning Whip, Jan. 14, 2010

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A (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention. (Yeah, it's possible I might have ADD . . .)

I surf the Web, so you don't have to!

Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
ALA pulls out of Tea Party Nation convention -- more problems for the Nashville Tea Party convention?
Our Duty To Mankind -- "Make no mistake: it is wealth that feeds the hungry, cures the sick, and mends the broken. Capitalism is the practical expression of freedom, and wealth allows the tangible expression of compassion."
It's the End of the End of History As We Know it -- "Freedom, for which liberal democracy is a conduit rather than the other way round, can never be assured of its final victory, can never be taken for granted. Its enemies, among which the most insidious reside inside rather than outside the West, will always threaten it."
Thune For President? -- It's not that I dislike Thune, exactly, it's just . . . well . . . he did go to USD, after all . . .
Ugly Race for the "People's Seat" -- "The man deserves to win just for being lippy with the always awful David Gergen."
‘Safe’ Kennedy seat now up for grabs
Sarah Palin's debut as Fox News commentator on 'O'Reilly Factor' goes smoothly-- Palin's greatest strength is that she's "one of us." Beltway Blatherers and Collectivist Elitists everywhere just don't understand that.
Among the Reasons For Discomfort When Some Call the US a Christian Nation -- if you're threatened by Christians, you don't understand Christianity. Of course, many "Christians" don't understand Christianity, so some "discomfort" may be understandable . . .
Truths We Dare Not Speak -- My favorite: "4) The Ivy League is a Naked Emperor." Ivy League "intellectuals" and their elite-school allies are the ones who have driven this country completely over the cliff . . .

More after the "Read More" . . . The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
It’s come to this: Scott Brown’s a “far-right tea-bagger,” says Chuck Schumer
After Obama Tells America “Everyone Must Sacrifice” the White House Throws 1 Party Every 3 Days in First Year -- "Do as I say, not as I do" . . .

The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Gingrich: I’m a top-tier contender for the 2012 nomination -- Dear Newt: Your best and highest use to the nation is at a think tank somewhere, not the Oval Office . . . kthxbai . . .
Some Advice for the Republican National Committee -- Shorter: Listen to the people, not to the Beltway Blatherers . . .

Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies--because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
IRS Commissioner Does Not Do His Own Taxes Because of Complexity of Code -- Anybody detect even a teensy little problem with this?
Massachusetts’ Chief Law Enforcement Official Ignores Political Assault; UPDATE: DSCC’s Meehan Apologizes -- You can file this under "What do Democrats do? They LIE."
President Obama's political arm under fire -- As Glenn Reynolds notes--Does he have a non-political arm?
BREAKING: Coakley Thug Who Roughed-Up Weekly Standard Reporter is Obama Appointee (Updated)
Reid: Doc-fix? What doc-fix?
First Coakley, Now Kerry: Panic In Mass.
Department of Injustice Watch: New Black Panther Party scandal update -- When I use the word "corruption" this is part of what I refer to . . .
The Timeless Appeal of Triumphalism
The White House's Media Feedback Loop -- "Feedback Loop" is sort of an echo chamber, plugged into an amplifier . . . not only do you blow out the amp, you also rupture your eardrums . . .
"walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes" -- um, no, thank you, Oliver Stone, but no, I don't care to slaughter tens of millions of my fellow human beings--that's just a funny little personal quirk of mine, though . . .
When Will the Democratic Party Grow Up and Seriously Address National Security?
Who Will Tell Obama? -- "We do know that for three hours, it occurred to no one to let the leader of the free world know about a thwarted terrorist bombing on an American plane."
Ending Corruption in Washington -- The only way to drain the swamp is to remove the water . . . which means take the money away from them . . . because money IS power . . .
Can a big company have a soul? -- um . . . no. People have souls. Companies have people. This is easy to forget . . .

Foreign affairs:
Why Is Everything Still Standing In the Dominican Republic?
Barack Obama's America-effacing policy -- a warning from John Bolton -- Bolton is someone You Need To Listen To . . . as uncomfortable as some of you might find that . . .
Is Obama a Republican?: When it comes to foreign policy, it's hard to tell Barack Obama and George W. Bush apart -- um, no. Bush was a "cowboy." Obama is a "blithering idiot."
Revolution in Iran: ‘Soraya’s’ Message of Defiance an Underground Hit
Vinson Deploys to Respond to Haiti Earthquake -- The most capable single humanitarian organization in the world is the military of the United States of America. This is something to be very, very proud of if you're an American. "No better friend, no worse enemy," as the Marines say . . .

The Economy:
Faux Recovery: Don't believe the hype about green jobs -- because, you know, it's a market failure . . .
A Real Stimulus: To create jobs, repeal the corporate-income tax.
After Tripling Deficit in 2009 Obama On Track to Nearly Quadruple Bush Deficit in 2010 -- Heckofa job, Barry . . .
Overhaul base at KCI may gain new tenant -- it's not all bad news out there--if this pans out, anyway . . .

"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Cold Spell Doesn’t Undercut Climate Crisis – But Other Things Do
Climategate—The CTM story
Climategate: How to Hide the Sun
Antarctica and the Myth of Deadly Rising Seas
Spencer: A Demonstration that Global Warming Predictions are Based More On Faith than On Science
Unreal. Climategate Junk Scientist Michael Mann Awarded Half a Million in Stimulus Cash -- "Hey, your entire body of research is based on bogus data and skewed, politicized science? Great! Here's more cash!"

Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Obama's Prescription for Low-Wage Workers: High Implicit Taxes, Higher Premiums -- If this monstrosity passes, don't say you weren't warned . . .
Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire?: The “millionaire’s tax” will affect more people than you think. -- Rich people don't get rich by being stupid, you know . . .
Trouble in paradise? Morning meeting on ObamaCare turns into “intense” all-day session -- Dear House Dems: Pass this now and die in droves in November. Actually, you're probably going to die in droves in November anyway, but why at this point make it worse? Do you want to lose control of the House? Really? Really, really?
But What Happens if People Actually Change Their Behavior? -- The big-government schemes of the collectivists never take into account the simple fact that people change their behavior to optimize their own futures. They always think that everything will just tick along the same no matter what they do to people and the economy. That's why they're always wrong . . .

Media bias--and incompetence:
John Yoo Wipes the Smirk off Jon Stewart's Face -- actually, nobody expects Jon Stewart to be "fair and balanced" . . . but being intellectually blown out of the water is Comedy Death . . .
Mistakes a High School Newspaper Wouldn't Make

Not according to schedule: Time for BCS schools to schedule tough nonconference road games vs. mid-majors -- Women's basketball, but really applies to men's BB as well . . .
Collins scores 22 in No. 3 Kansas’ 84-72 win

Science, technology, and space:
The Death Star? -- Just goes to show, supernovae can ruin your entire day . . .
747-8 interactive

Boulevard Brewing Co. plans $4 million in capital improvements -- Mmmmmm . . . Beer . . . Mmmmmm . . . Pilsner Beer . . .
Washington University to launch executive education program in KC -- Oh, sure. AFTER I get an MBA from the U. of Phoenix, WashU moves in . . .although with WashU at $93k, UoP is just fine . . .