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Morning Whip, Jan. 15, 2010

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A (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention. (Yeah, it's possible I might have ADD . . .)

I surf the Web, so you don't have to!

Europe's 'Human Zoos': Remains of Indigenous Abductees Back Home after 130 Years -- well, humans are simians, aren't we? Linked mainly due to the recent dearth of simian-blogging . . . and a reminder of just how very nasty we can be to our fellows who "aren't like us" . . .

Looking for thriving airports? Try North Dakota-- Hypothesis: North Dakota is a place where people want to fly away from . . .
TSA: Security fails to spot gun at Mont. airport -- hey, it's only Montana, right? Maybe the smart Montanans are flying out of North Dakota . . .
Just So You Don't Think the TSA Are the Only Officious Annoyances in Airports... -- In case you missed the Michael Yon story . . .
How The Feds Keep Dangerously Sick Passengers Off Planes-- Simple! They just make them take off their belts and shoes!

More after the "Read More" . . . Explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Nebraskans are doing to Ben Nelson what people did to OJ for years: yelling at him to get out of restaurants -- The cure for corruption is sunshine . . .
Rethinking Big Government -- Einstein's quip about insanity comes to mind . . .

The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Everything’s staged: Michelle Obama’s garden food was fake

Spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies--because even blithering idiots can be dangerous:
ACORN in California Splits From Bertha Lewis
Obama Gives Speeches, Interviews But Few Press Conferences: Media Complain, But White House Insists Obama is Accessible -- ABC News. ABC NEWS.
Poll: Majority would vote against Obama re-election
Please Don't Talk About Government Tonight...
Laughing With Liberals
The Communist States of America: The New Stimulus ‘Math’ -- because the collectivists really, really don't care.
Pink Jumpsuit for Sheriff Joe -- A classic example of Going Too Far is Sheriff Joe, it seems . . .
Truth or consequences or neither -- Abuse of data . . . hmm . . . somebody say ClimateGate?

Foreign affairs:
War General's Worry: "How People Feel" -- "If you want to swim, you have to let go of the side of the pool."
Apparently, Censorship Is Not Enough In China
The Folly of Arms Control Fanatics

The Massachusetts Senate Race--(With BONUS correct spelling of the state in question!):
Daddy’s Little Pitbull… American Idol Star Ayla Brown Comes Out Swinging For Dad Scott Brown (Video)
Witch: Coakley Kept Innocent Man in Prison to Enhance her Career
Democrats Go Ugly in Their Own Backyard
An Even Worse Story on Coakley: Let Guy Off For Raping His 23-Month-Old Niece With Hot Curling Iron
Coakley's Own Internal Poll Shows Two Point Lead; Democrat Confides, "This One May Be Too Far to Recover"
Brown Campaign Has Brought In a Million Dollars Each Day This Week
Scott Brown Meets the Press
The Political Cost of Democrats’ Nasty Massachusetts Campaign
GAME-CHANGER—Martha Coakley: Devout Catholics “Probably Shouldn’t Work in the Emergency Room” (Audio) -- Is she trying to get blown out?

Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy:
Cynthia Yockey: Sarah Palin’s debut at Fox News is Intelligent and Eloquent
The Ignorant Fisherman: Why The Left Hates Sarah Palin
Walter Scott Hudson: Why Sarah Palin is Hated
Mika Brzezinski Mocks Palin's Founding Father Answer; Then Says "Lincoln" was Her Favorite!
Unmasking Palinphobia
Red State editor: Gee, some of Palin’s fans are awfully quick to attack critics
I think Snookums is getting a bit jealous . . . but not to worry! 1) Palin has five kids. 2) Palin has Todd. 3) Todd would undoubtedly kick my ass from Dillingham to Dover. 4) If Todd didn't kick my ass, Sarah certainly would. 5) I don't think Palin would go to Jackrabbit basketball games with me. 6) I don't think Palin likes cruising nearly as much as Snookums does. I could think up more without trying too hard . . .
But, as I've pointed out before, it seems to me that Palin is a classic Western American conservative-libertarian in the mold of Reagan and Goldwater. "Rugged Individualism" scares a lot of people. Palin is for people who aren't scared of themselves, or of life.
"Palin, you Magnificent Bastard, I Read Your Book!"
Maybe I should just link http://www.conservatives4palin.com/ and be done with it . . .

Haiti, with bonus coverage of why Pat Robertson is a blithering idiot:
On Pat Robertson's Childish Santa Claus Conception of Christianity
Giving the devil his due
The best, long-term protection against catastrophe -- My suggestions: 1) Rule of Law and suppression of corruption; 2) Personal responsibility; 3) Individual freedom and liberty; 4) Communities of freely associating people working together. When people have the nerve to try it, it works. Spectacularly.
Why is Haiti so poor? -- See above, lack thereof . . .
A Tale of Two Quakes -- or, how to take a natural disaster and turn it into a catastrophe . . . just add collectivism . . .
Who's running Haiti? No one, say the people -- Not to be harsh, but . . . whose fault is that? Run Your Own Life . . .
Cruise Industry Plans Haiti Relief Effort
Haiti after the quake
Salvation Army -- Snookums' and my current preferred charity . . . click on the red button at the bottom of the page . . .

The Economy:
Antitrust Is Anti-Economics -- Until we solve the problem of companies abusing customers and arrogating political power by buying politicians, antitrust will continue to be "in play" . . .
Crony Capitalism V Chrysler CEO: Sales won't improve until June

"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Pielke Senior: Correspondence with Phil Jones on Klotzbach et al -- With such an enthralling title, how can you NOT click through and read it?
John Coleman’s TV Special Tonight – Global Warming: The Other Side
NASA Caught Cooking The Books
Newly released FOIA’d emails from Hansen and GISS staffers show disagreement over 1998-1934 U.S. temperature ranking
More on John Coleman’s Special tonight – KUSI press release says NASA improperly manipulated data

Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
The patsies catch on to Obamacare -- We Told You So . . . well, we tried to, anyway . . .
Obama and Unions Reach Agreement on Unions' Objection to "Cadillac Plan" Surtax: Hey, Let's Just Exempt the Unions!
Democrats push for healthcare agreement -- Alternate title: "Democrats rush headlong towards political cliff"

Media bias--and incompetence:
How the Media Are Covering ‘Head Start’s’ Failure -- What? You didn't know that an HHS study showed that Head Start didn't work? Hmm . . . I wonder why . . .

NCAA prohibits hiring associates of hoops recruits
SDSU introduces Family Fun Nights
SDSU, Bison meet in Fargo

Science, technology, and space:
Secret Police: Can personal privacy survive the digital revolution?

Science Fiction and Writing:
Developing Your Voice: Part One

Best to lose some weight before weight-loss surgery -- Well, yes, but then if they could lose weight, they wouldn't need the surgery, now would they?

Horrifyingly, that's not all of the links I have, but I'm out of time for now. More later, or they'll just spill into tomorrow. Yes, like I said, Horrifying.