Morning Whip, Jan. 17, 2010
- Sunday, January 17 2010 @ 10:22 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,641
A (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention. (Yeah, it's possible I might have ADD . . .)
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Big Stories:
1.1: The Massachusetts Senate Race--(With BONUS correct spelling of the state in question!):
Oh my: Brown by three — in Coakley’s internal poll
Time out from "Stalinism" -- Oh Noes! A liberal Massachusetts Republican is not a Bible-belt Conservative! Shocking, it is!
Scott Brown is a more liberal Republican than Dede Scozzafava -- From the horse's mouth: "the conservative base in the United States, far from dragging their party moblike into an unelectable extreme, has made the decentralized decision to support the realistically best candidate they can relative to the context in which he’s being elected" . . .
The Incredible Incompetence of Martha Coakley -- She certainly fits the primary qualification for leadership in major American political parties: Blithering Idiotry . . .
No. Freaking. Way. Coackley Calls Curt Schilling "Another Yankee Fan" -- See? Blithering idiotry. But then, Massachusetts voters kept sending Chappaquidick Ted back to the Senate, so . . .
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is dumber than a box of rocks
Just a gal sitting in our living room in our virtual pajamas -- Behold, the New Media . . . being called as a source by the Old Media . . . me, I'm in the basement--Not That There's Anything Wrong With That . . .
Are Democrats Planning to Steal the Massacusetts Election for Coakley? -- Of course they are. They're Democrats. It's what they do. It's like asking "do fish swim in water?" The only defense is for enough people to vote against them that their usual election-stealing tricks (ballot-stuffing, dead-people-voting, blatant voter intimidation and coercion, and as a last resort, cynical if not downright frivolous litigation which is all too often taken seriously by (usually Democratic) judges) are overwhelmed by real votes by real voters.
WOW! SEIU Purple People Beaters Rally For Scott Brown -- "Purple people beaters" . . . heh.
BREAKING: Scott Brown Holding Press Conference– Will Press Charges Against Democrats–Updated -- The best defense is a good offense . . .
Ed Schultz on Brown: “I’d cheat to keep these bastards out†-- They really can't help it. It's what they do. It's who they are.
Breaking: Joe Lieberman May Endorse Scott Brown
More after the "Read More" . . . 1.2: Haiti:
CLAUDIA ROSETT: Haiti: U.S. Sends Help, U.N. Wants Money. -- Is the United Nations the most corrupt international organization on the face of the Earth? Or is the phrase "corrupt international organization" a redundancy?
“MONEY IS WORTH NOTHING NOW, water is the currency.†-- When the spit hits the flan, the fiat currency in your pocket isn't worth even that spit . . . Got Skills?
Doers and talkers: Comparing the UN to the USN -- The greatest humanitarian organization ever created by humanity is the United States Armed Forces . . .
Haiti: “Nothing on the ground, yet†-- Actually, there's lots of stuff on the ground. Thugs and barbarians are impeding the efforts to get it out to the people who need it . . . the true disaster will start if we are complicit in returning the same group of looters to power who let Haiti fester in the first place . . .
President Unites Nation Behind Haitian Relief -- This really should be "President Rushes To Get To The Front Of The Haitian Relief Parade" . . . So no, he's not going to get much credit from me for Doing His Freaking Job . . . for once . . .
Haiti earthquake: a few more rescues, but aid still slow -- But, but, but . . . the Lightworker is President, now! Disasters don't happen any more! It must be Bush's Fault! Where's Brownie when you need him (to be a whipping boy)? Yeah, I know it's politically incorrect to get political about Haiti, but since everything else in this world has been politicized, why should this be any different?
1.3: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Forecasting The Arctic Oscillation -- "Climate models are iterative through time, which means once they go off in the weeds they can not recover."
History in a hurry: the first book about Climategate is published
The BBC may drop the Met Office for forecasts
Are green auto rules based on flawed science? -- What is "Yes", Alex?
1.4: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Amazingly, no health care CHANGE articles today . . . well, none that aren't Massachusetts Senate-related, or blithering-idiot-illustrative . . .
Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians:
No simians today. Me sad.
2.2: Travel:
More fliers are snubbing Sioux Falls -- Going to North Dakota, maybe?
2.3: Sports:
Self says KU is a pressure team, not a pressing team
KU turns it up and stomps Texas Tech
No. 9 Tennessee beats No. 21 Ole Miss 71-69 in OT
Strong second half lifts SDSU past Bison -- Obviously, not about the men's basketball game last Friday . . .
UMKC falls to IPFW 78-69
Missouri’s shooting off in 66-61 loss to Oklahoma
Mark McGwire, America’s Shame -- "If only the media had as much contempt for lying, thieving, corrupt politicians as they do for sports stars who use steroids."
2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Is James Cameron Keeping His Friends Close but His Enemies Closer? -- Hmm . . . this article moved Avatar from No Way to Maybe I Might Watch Someday to see if the proposed Christ-analogy holds up . . .
The Hitchhiker's Trilogy -- A review . . .
The God Engines -- Another review . . .
2.5: Miscellany:
Sandra Bullock: The Best of Both Award Worlds
USD plans master's in addiction studies -- There's a cheap joke in here somewhere . . .
Saudi billionaire eyes new links with News Corp.
Section Three: All Politics All The Time:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism -- The most binding chains are the ones in our own minds--Reject Your Label! "I am an individual who happens to be black. My race is the human race."
Self-control is catching: The implications for public policy freedom and liberty are impossible without personal responsibility . . .
Quote of the Day, John Yoo edition: “I’ve spent my whole career learning to settle down unruly college students who have not done the reading.â€ joins the fight for liberty online
Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Funny: Press corps torments Gibbs again with questions about transparency -- Robert Gibbs is perfect for his job--affably clueless and utterly lacking even basic curiosity about what his boss is doing . . .
DISCONNECT: Peggy Noonan on Obama
Top House Dem warns: If Brown wins, reconciliation is on the table -- The quip and video at the end of this article are worth the price of admission: "While you mull, here’s some input from a guy who once enjoyed lecturing people about taking a hint when public support for their policies hits 35 percent."
One year out: President Obama's fall -- His one-year-in approval ratings are among the worst recorded for Presidents . . . How's that "Hope and Change" working out for you, Barry?
Another one bites the dust
Obama and Reality -- Generally not on speaking terms with each other . . .
CHARLIE COOK: Colossal Miscalculation On Health Care: Obama and Hill Democrats should have focused much more on the economy. -- Yes. Well. "The Economy" would have interfered with the naked power-grab, now wouldn't it?
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
No overtly Republican-leadership-bashing articles today. But however see PALINMANIA below . . . that should take care of it . . .
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Inevitable: Ben Nelson asks for bribe to be removed from ObamaCare bill -- That, boys and girls, is how The Game is played in DC . . ."I gave back my 20 pieces of silver after Jesus was arrested!"
Did Communism Fake Its Own Death in 1991? -- Never tell the marks what the game really is . . .
A World of Happiness -- How to lie with statistics, continued: "Since everything is so wonderful, it's strange to see that the Danes are actually so unhappy that they commit suicide much more often, in every adult age bracket, than we sad and confused Americans do."
UH OH: “For mega multinational behemoths like Intel, the economy is really starting to get good again. But for the little guy, not so much.†-- Big corporations like government power, because it's easier to manipulate and control than is the decentralized market . . .
Defending business -- Which serves as something of a rebuttal to the previous. Business isn't a problem. Big business in bed with the government--that's a problem . . .
Don’t forget the other “public option†debate -- Democrats in power are a lot like a swarming, hyper-aggressive basketball defense: Foul them so often that you disrupt the opponent's offense because the officials won't--CAN'T--call every body, slap, and push up and down the court . . . it's against the rules. But it works.
Candy-ass vice-principal calls the bomb squad over an 11-year-old's science project, recommends counselling for the student -- It's time for Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance policies, out-of-control lawyers, and blithering idiot school officials. Let's have some Common Sense out there!
For women in the work force, halfway isn't equal -- Of course, "equal" when talking about human beings is usually a collectivist concept . . .
How to Lock Democrats in Power -- The Democrat plan to institutionalize vote fraud . . .
Congress makes job creation top 2010 priority -- If they were actually serious about job growth, then they would get the hell out of the way. As it is, what they're serious about is saving their own sorry political asses from the near-certain electoral meltdown this November that they all--Republican and Democrat alike--have so richly earned.
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
"Hurt Locker" a blast at Critics Choice Awards -- filed under "Media incompetence" due to the shockingly insensitive nature of the headline . . .
Denver Post owner plans prepackaged Ch. 11 filing -- The Rocky Mountain News has already gone belly-up . . .
People Mag Claims Obama Is Lonely in Office… Forgets to Mention the 170 White House Parties- 1 Every 3 Days -- Does anybody expect competent reporting from People Magazine?
67% Say News Media Have Too Much Influence Over Government Decisions -- This is at the core of why the media is biased: the often-stated goal of "journalists" to "make a difference" or even "make the world a better place." They are easily seduced by the concentration of power in government, and once seduced, become cheerleaders for collectivism.
Our "Elite" Media: Anyone With a Gun is a Sniper -- OMG! A GUN! PANIC!!!
Hypocrisy Matters For America -- More general derision should be heaped on the propaganda organ which is "Media Matters" than they get . . .
Conservatives for Palin All Palin, All the Time! -- Now with Correct Linkage!
Presenting: Palin Day at American Thinker!
The Quayled Lady: Why You Should Forget Sarah Palin -- The difference is that Palin, unlike Quayle, is showing not only the willingness but the political skill and ability to fight back against the slanders . . . that's a huge reason why a lot of people like her a LOT in today's political climate . . .
Palin's Curious First Week at Fox
Sarah Palin at Mid-Career
Section Four: The Rest of the News: 4.1: The Economy:
UH OH: A global fiasco is brewing in Japan.
What are we smoking, and when will we stop? -- It's going to be a hard decade--and that's if we start making the correct public policy choices.
The Subprime Meltdown Revisited
4.2: Foreign affairs and National Security:
Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, U.S. says -- well, duh. Although I begin to wonder if the term "terrorism" has lost its utility. Perhaps we should just call the perpetrators "barbarians" and shoot them on sight, like we used to do (and IMHO still should do) with pirates and looters? Barbarians only understand force--they do not recognize the rule of law, and that is why it is folly to try to apply it to them.
Political correctness and the 21st century battlefield -- "West argued that "top-down" rules of engagement are inherently inadequate on the 21st century battlefield. When these rules are driven by political correctness, our ability to fight is undermined even more."
4.3: Science, technology, and space:
Yahoo knew of attacks before Google, kept mum -- Arguably "foreign affairs" . . .
Google denies leaving China, seeks negotiations
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Big Stories:
1.1: The Massachusetts Senate Race--(With BONUS correct spelling of the state in question!):
Oh my: Brown by three — in Coakley’s internal poll
Time out from "Stalinism" -- Oh Noes! A liberal Massachusetts Republican is not a Bible-belt Conservative! Shocking, it is!
Scott Brown is a more liberal Republican than Dede Scozzafava -- From the horse's mouth: "the conservative base in the United States, far from dragging their party moblike into an unelectable extreme, has made the decentralized decision to support the realistically best candidate they can relative to the context in which he’s being elected" . . .
The Incredible Incompetence of Martha Coakley -- She certainly fits the primary qualification for leadership in major American political parties: Blithering Idiotry . . .
No. Freaking. Way. Coackley Calls Curt Schilling "Another Yankee Fan" -- See? Blithering idiotry. But then, Massachusetts voters kept sending Chappaquidick Ted back to the Senate, so . . .
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is dumber than a box of rocks
Just a gal sitting in our living room in our virtual pajamas -- Behold, the New Media . . . being called as a source by the Old Media . . . me, I'm in the basement--Not That There's Anything Wrong With That . . .
Are Democrats Planning to Steal the Massacusetts Election for Coakley? -- Of course they are. They're Democrats. It's what they do. It's like asking "do fish swim in water?" The only defense is for enough people to vote against them that their usual election-stealing tricks (ballot-stuffing, dead-people-voting, blatant voter intimidation and coercion, and as a last resort, cynical if not downright frivolous litigation which is all too often taken seriously by (usually Democratic) judges) are overwhelmed by real votes by real voters.
WOW! SEIU Purple People Beaters Rally For Scott Brown -- "Purple people beaters" . . . heh.
BREAKING: Scott Brown Holding Press Conference– Will Press Charges Against Democrats–Updated -- The best defense is a good offense . . .
Ed Schultz on Brown: “I’d cheat to keep these bastards out†-- They really can't help it. It's what they do. It's who they are.
Breaking: Joe Lieberman May Endorse Scott Brown
More after the "Read More" . . . 1.2: Haiti:
CLAUDIA ROSETT: Haiti: U.S. Sends Help, U.N. Wants Money. -- Is the United Nations the most corrupt international organization on the face of the Earth? Or is the phrase "corrupt international organization" a redundancy?
“MONEY IS WORTH NOTHING NOW, water is the currency.†-- When the spit hits the flan, the fiat currency in your pocket isn't worth even that spit . . . Got Skills?
Doers and talkers: Comparing the UN to the USN -- The greatest humanitarian organization ever created by humanity is the United States Armed Forces . . .
Haiti: “Nothing on the ground, yet†-- Actually, there's lots of stuff on the ground. Thugs and barbarians are impeding the efforts to get it out to the people who need it . . . the true disaster will start if we are complicit in returning the same group of looters to power who let Haiti fester in the first place . . .
President Unites Nation Behind Haitian Relief -- This really should be "President Rushes To Get To The Front Of The Haitian Relief Parade" . . . So no, he's not going to get much credit from me for Doing His Freaking Job . . . for once . . .
Haiti earthquake: a few more rescues, but aid still slow -- But, but, but . . . the Lightworker is President, now! Disasters don't happen any more! It must be Bush's Fault! Where's Brownie when you need him (to be a whipping boy)? Yeah, I know it's politically incorrect to get political about Haiti, but since everything else in this world has been politicized, why should this be any different?
1.3: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Forecasting The Arctic Oscillation -- "Climate models are iterative through time, which means once they go off in the weeds they can not recover."
History in a hurry: the first book about Climategate is published
The BBC may drop the Met Office for forecasts
Are green auto rules based on flawed science? -- What is "Yes", Alex?
1.4: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Amazingly, no health care CHANGE articles today . . . well, none that aren't Massachusetts Senate-related, or blithering-idiot-illustrative . . .
Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians:
No simians today. Me sad.
2.2: Travel:
More fliers are snubbing Sioux Falls -- Going to North Dakota, maybe?
2.3: Sports:
Self says KU is a pressure team, not a pressing team
KU turns it up and stomps Texas Tech
No. 9 Tennessee beats No. 21 Ole Miss 71-69 in OT
Strong second half lifts SDSU past Bison -- Obviously, not about the men's basketball game last Friday . . .
UMKC falls to IPFW 78-69
Missouri’s shooting off in 66-61 loss to Oklahoma
Mark McGwire, America’s Shame -- "If only the media had as much contempt for lying, thieving, corrupt politicians as they do for sports stars who use steroids."
2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Is James Cameron Keeping His Friends Close but His Enemies Closer? -- Hmm . . . this article moved Avatar from No Way to Maybe I Might Watch Someday to see if the proposed Christ-analogy holds up . . .
The Hitchhiker's Trilogy -- A review . . .
The God Engines -- Another review . . .
2.5: Miscellany:
Sandra Bullock: The Best of Both Award Worlds
USD plans master's in addiction studies -- There's a cheap joke in here somewhere . . .
Saudi billionaire eyes new links with News Corp.
Section Three: All Politics All The Time:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism -- The most binding chains are the ones in our own minds--Reject Your Label! "I am an individual who happens to be black. My race is the human race."
Self-control is catching: The implications for public policy freedom and liberty are impossible without personal responsibility . . .
Quote of the Day, John Yoo edition: “I’ve spent my whole career learning to settle down unruly college students who have not done the reading.â€ joins the fight for liberty online
Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Funny: Press corps torments Gibbs again with questions about transparency -- Robert Gibbs is perfect for his job--affably clueless and utterly lacking even basic curiosity about what his boss is doing . . .
DISCONNECT: Peggy Noonan on Obama
Top House Dem warns: If Brown wins, reconciliation is on the table -- The quip and video at the end of this article are worth the price of admission: "While you mull, here’s some input from a guy who once enjoyed lecturing people about taking a hint when public support for their policies hits 35 percent."
One year out: President Obama's fall -- His one-year-in approval ratings are among the worst recorded for Presidents . . . How's that "Hope and Change" working out for you, Barry?
Another one bites the dust
Obama and Reality -- Generally not on speaking terms with each other . . .
CHARLIE COOK: Colossal Miscalculation On Health Care: Obama and Hill Democrats should have focused much more on the economy. -- Yes. Well. "The Economy" would have interfered with the naked power-grab, now wouldn't it?
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
No overtly Republican-leadership-bashing articles today. But however see PALINMANIA below . . . that should take care of it . . .
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Inevitable: Ben Nelson asks for bribe to be removed from ObamaCare bill -- That, boys and girls, is how The Game is played in DC . . ."I gave back my 20 pieces of silver after Jesus was arrested!"
Did Communism Fake Its Own Death in 1991? -- Never tell the marks what the game really is . . .
A World of Happiness -- How to lie with statistics, continued: "Since everything is so wonderful, it's strange to see that the Danes are actually so unhappy that they commit suicide much more often, in every adult age bracket, than we sad and confused Americans do."
UH OH: “For mega multinational behemoths like Intel, the economy is really starting to get good again. But for the little guy, not so much.†-- Big corporations like government power, because it's easier to manipulate and control than is the decentralized market . . .
Defending business -- Which serves as something of a rebuttal to the previous. Business isn't a problem. Big business in bed with the government--that's a problem . . .
Don’t forget the other “public option†debate -- Democrats in power are a lot like a swarming, hyper-aggressive basketball defense: Foul them so often that you disrupt the opponent's offense because the officials won't--CAN'T--call every body, slap, and push up and down the court . . . it's against the rules. But it works.
Candy-ass vice-principal calls the bomb squad over an 11-year-old's science project, recommends counselling for the student -- It's time for Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance policies, out-of-control lawyers, and blithering idiot school officials. Let's have some Common Sense out there!
For women in the work force, halfway isn't equal -- Of course, "equal" when talking about human beings is usually a collectivist concept . . .
How to Lock Democrats in Power -- The Democrat plan to institutionalize vote fraud . . .
Congress makes job creation top 2010 priority -- If they were actually serious about job growth, then they would get the hell out of the way. As it is, what they're serious about is saving their own sorry political asses from the near-certain electoral meltdown this November that they all--Republican and Democrat alike--have so richly earned.
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
"Hurt Locker" a blast at Critics Choice Awards -- filed under "Media incompetence" due to the shockingly insensitive nature of the headline . . .
Denver Post owner plans prepackaged Ch. 11 filing -- The Rocky Mountain News has already gone belly-up . . .
People Mag Claims Obama Is Lonely in Office… Forgets to Mention the 170 White House Parties- 1 Every 3 Days -- Does anybody expect competent reporting from People Magazine?
67% Say News Media Have Too Much Influence Over Government Decisions -- This is at the core of why the media is biased: the often-stated goal of "journalists" to "make a difference" or even "make the world a better place." They are easily seduced by the concentration of power in government, and once seduced, become cheerleaders for collectivism.
Our "Elite" Media: Anyone With a Gun is a Sniper -- OMG! A GUN! PANIC!!!
Hypocrisy Matters For America -- More general derision should be heaped on the propaganda organ which is "Media Matters" than they get . . .
Conservatives for Palin All Palin, All the Time! -- Now with Correct Linkage!
Presenting: Palin Day at American Thinker!
The Quayled Lady: Why You Should Forget Sarah Palin -- The difference is that Palin, unlike Quayle, is showing not only the willingness but the political skill and ability to fight back against the slanders . . . that's a huge reason why a lot of people like her a LOT in today's political climate . . .
Palin's Curious First Week at Fox
Sarah Palin at Mid-Career
Section Four: The Rest of the News: 4.1: The Economy:
UH OH: A global fiasco is brewing in Japan.
What are we smoking, and when will we stop? -- It's going to be a hard decade--and that's if we start making the correct public policy choices.
The Subprime Meltdown Revisited
4.2: Foreign affairs and National Security:
Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, U.S. says -- well, duh. Although I begin to wonder if the term "terrorism" has lost its utility. Perhaps we should just call the perpetrators "barbarians" and shoot them on sight, like we used to do (and IMHO still should do) with pirates and looters? Barbarians only understand force--they do not recognize the rule of law, and that is why it is folly to try to apply it to them.
Political correctness and the 21st century battlefield -- "West argued that "top-down" rules of engagement are inherently inadequate on the 21st century battlefield. When these rules are driven by political correctness, our ability to fight is undermined even more."
4.3: Science, technology, and space:
Yahoo knew of attacks before Google, kept mum -- Arguably "foreign affairs" . . .
Google denies leaving China, seeks negotiations