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Morning Whip, Jan. 19, 2010

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A (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention. (Yeah, it's possible I might have ADD . . .)

I surf the Web, so you don't have to!

Section One: The Big Stories:
1.1: The Massachusetts Senate Race--(With BONUS correct spelling of the state in question!):
Wow… Martha Coakley Holds Rally at MLK Breakfast With Scott Brown Sitting In the Room — Brown Responds -- Nothing is "non-political" to the Democrats . . . Everything is an "opportunity" to "educate their fellow citizens" . . . although "educate" should be replaced with "indoctrinate" for the most part . . .
Wow: Insider Advantage poll for Politico shows Brown by nine
ARG Has Brown Up By 7; Insider Advantage Has Brown Up By 9; Brown Up By Double Digits in FOX Poll
Polls, Robocalls, Snow, and Other Distractions in Massachusetts
John Kerry: “Revved Up Tea-Baggers Hijacking Health Care” -- Since we're name-calling, Johnny boy, better to be a Teabagger than a Fudgepacker like you . . . (dedicated and committed to screwing the taxpayer up the wazzoo, don't you know . . . )
MSNBC Hacks Suffer Meltdown After Tingles Shares the Sad News “It Looks Like Brown” (Video) -- Nice, but when exactly do the MSNBC hacks NOT suffer meltdowns?
Question for John Kerry: Why Isn’t Martha Coakley Speaking Up And Getting Massachusetts Democrats Under Control? -- Ah. Yesterday, speaking as a Palinista, I worried about the absence of the 'Cuda in the Rogue's list cited by J. F'ing Kerry as Threats To The Party or whatever. I'm mollified that the Arctic Fox did indeed draw his ire . . .
Democratic internal poll: Coakley by 1 -- On the one hand . . . PANIC!!! On the other hand, Democrats lie. And cheat. Most pollsters neglect to include the Expired-American vote which tends to be very heavy in Democrat-leaning areas like Massachusetts.
I don’t know what Rally Carl Cameron was at…
Brown: If I win, I’ll be in D.C. on Friday
Perfect Storm
Disgusting… Phony Pro-Lifers Are Making Anti-Scott Brown Calls in Massachusetts -- Democrats lie. It's what they do.
To Amuse Conservatives, Olbermann Throws Kitchen Sink at Scott Brown
Should Libertarian Candidate Make Way For Scott Brown? -- I'm not sure, today, it's going to make a difference one way or another. People are pissed off and can't wait to express their anger.
Remember the truck!

More after the "Read More" . . . 1.2: Haiti:
Why we shouldn’t be in Haiti -- It is not charity to be generous with someone else's money . . .
Fox News Crew Discovers Truckload of Babies in Haiti -- Another horrifying chapter in the ongoing horror which is Haiti--before and after the earthquake . . .

1.3: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
The World Has Not Ended Today! Check Back Tomorrow!

1.4: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
House Dems Pushing To Accept Senate Health Care Bill? -- Because, you see, they simply don't care what a majority of Americans want . . .
Will Health Care Reform Go Down in Massachusetts? -- I don't think so . . . too many Democrats have bet their careers on getting the abomination passed, so that's what they're going to do, come hell or high water. I think they'll get the hell, come November . . .
Here we go: Dems to ask House to ping-pong Senate ObamaCare bill -- . . . see? If they do this, I predict it will be the end of the Democratic Party as an electoral force in the United States. Or, it will be the end of the pretense that we live under a nation of laws under a Constitution. The two are now obviously, completely incompatible with each other.
Good news: Obama to take “combative” approach to Brown victory
Obama's Healthcare Discrimination -- Unions And Special Interests Good. Regular People Bad. So Sayeth The Democrats.

Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians:
Thoughts about the movie Avatar -- No, damnit, not about simians, but does contain "If the movie is humans vs. apes, I'm rooting for the humans. Nothing against apes, but I'm going to root for the humans." Close enough.

2.2: Travel:
American Airlines raises checked bag fees

2.3: Sports:
Student ticket protocol outlined for SDSU-USD game -- my alma mater inches towards the big time . . .
IPFW Regains Sole Possession of First Place in League Standings -- Summit League women's basketball
No. 10 K-State upsets top-ranked Texas 71-62
Tuesday Tidbits

2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
REVIEW: It’s ‘24′ and Bauer’s Back -- Yeah, "24" is science fiction, of a sort . . .
SF reading protocols
List in Importance

2.5: Miscellany:
Some 864,000 pounds of U.S. ground beef recalled -- Don't worry . . . unless you're in California . . .
Do You Wash New Clothes Before You Wear Them? -- Apparently, a VERY good idea . . . it also puts into a much different context Snookums' insistence that I try on every single article of clothing in the store before I buy it. Ewwww.

Section Three: All Politics All The Time:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Hey, Check it Out, Conservatives Have Discovered the Internet or Something -- Unlike Ace, I am an objective observer--I have objectively observed that maximizing freedom and liberty within a defined rule of law which changes slowly and only with serious-minded deliberation maximizes the well-being of humanity--and it works every time people have the nerve to try it--I mean really try it, not just give it lip-service . . .
Strange loop
The Joyous Daybreak -- "Racism enforces a conformity of thought that is precious to every brand of despotism. Tyrants love to burden their subjects with an enemy they only need to point at." Like, for instance, "The Religious Right" . . .
TIME TO PIVOT: Plan on putting immense pressure on all Democrats tomorrow to put the Holy Fear of Voters into all of them
Poll: Most Americans Want Smaller Government, Fewer Services
The Top 4 Things Congressional Republicans Must Do in 2010 – Part II
The Free Administration of Justice
Andrew Jackson: Then and Now

3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
All your retirement money are belong to us -- Because the "Social Security Lockbox" has worked out so very, very well so far . . .
Defense Budget Increases Inadequate to Support the Military’s Plans and Programs -- Because national defense is a luxury we just can't afford in these difficult times . . .
Obama Just Need be “Not too Bad” -- unfortunately, that seems to be a pretty high bar for a collectivist Democrat to clear . . .
Promises -- The Democrats have forgotten Rule #1: Don't make us angry. You won't like us when we're angry.
Let's read the full text of Obama's pro-Coakley speech. -- This from somebody who voted for the guy . . .
WH Chief of Staff Emanuel's Joke - 'The First Amendment...It's Highly Overrated' - and its Proper Context -- See, it's really not funny if you "joke" about blowing off somebody's head while waving around a loaded shotgun with it's safety off . . . it's kind of like that, Rahm old boy . . .
Double Down -- How to guarantee the continuation of his plummeting approval ratings . . . if not eventual impeachment . . .

3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Is the GOP Worthy of Governance? -- Not until their leaders unequivocally figure out that The People are PISSED--AT THEM for their dalliance with Big-Govenrnment-Conservatism as well as at the collectivist Democrats for being just a bit too overtly collectivist Democrats . . .

3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
20 great moments in liberal bigotry -- but remember, it's not "hate speech" if they say it . . .
Obama State of Union set for Jan 27, budget Feb 1 -- In case you were wondering, yes, I now consider Obama an enemy of human freedom and liberty, until he gives me some reason to consider him otherwise . . . perhaps he will begin that "healing process" on January 27th--but I highly doubt it . . .
Green Bullies
"white-collar crime" was a term coined by a socialist who believed that all business transactions were inherently criminal -- I did not know this . . .
CBS: 71% don’t want Palin to run for president -- I suspect an episode here of "How To Lie With Statistics" . . .
More on how to lie with statistics -- Pretend that both "Undecided" and "No opinion" answers can be considered "No, I don't support her" answers . . . that's how you do it . . .
Liberalism Is Dead -- "A big chunk of the Left has always despised liberalism anyway." The collectivist Left has totally corrupted what was once a very honorable word . . .
EDITORIAL: Panther politics: White House interference derails Justice? -- Defending voter intimidation from the Attorney General's chair in Washington
On The Left: Who Are The Nihilists?
The Myth that Is FDR

3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
Et Tu, Tingles?… Chris Matthews Misses the Good Ol’ Days of Dem Vote Buying (Audio) -- So, if you're watching MSNBC, do you understand that you are overtly supporting people who openly advocate Federal felony vote fraud?

3.6: Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy:
Conservatives 4 Palin --Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .

Section Four: The Rest of the News:
4.1: The Economy:
Forced Loans -- The Government is NOT here to help you . . .
Fixing the Financial System: The Fix Is In -- Here's a reform for you: Get The Hell Out Of The Way. And Take Your Corporatist Cronies With You.
Deadbeating Without Shame -- There was once a time when paying your debts was considered to be the honorable thing to do . . .

4.2: Foreign affairs and National Security:
Defense department shows, rather than says, why the Fort Hood massacre occurred -- "Political Correctness" aka "Diversity" aka "Multiculturalism" is NOT a good idea. It is an idea that gets good people killed by bad people, because we are too "enlightened" to recognize bad people as being bad people.
Anti-Americanism in seven easy steps

4.3: Science, technology, and space:
Comcast changes require set-top boxes for most customers -- "Starting March 15 and continuing through March 29, Comcast plans to switch about half the channels Expanded Basic customers currently receive to digital signals." -- say goodbye to the good old days of analog cable TV . . . and they were good days . . . say hello to the not-so-good days of digital TV . . . PROGRESS!!!
10 tips for improving your wireless network