Morning Whip, Jan. 22, 2010
- Friday, January 22 2010 @ 10:15 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 7,481
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
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Section One: Whip Words:
An occasional comment, rant, stream-of-consciousness brain-dump, or petty and juvenile snark, brought on by the flow of events:
Can This Week Possibly Get Any Better?
It's true. It's been a good week for the American people. Scott Brown's unlikely victory in Massachusetts has upset the entire apple cart for the collectivist Democrats in Washington. The Supreme Court's sudden and (frankly) quite unexpected rediscovery of the First Amendment was stunningly refreshing. And the final collapse of the "liberal"/collectivist radio network Air America is worth its weight in snark. Even the struggling Jackrabbit men won a game in a rather unlikely manner. The only downside so far, apart from that sneezing fit that woke me up at 4 this morning, was the loss of the Lady Vols at Georgia. Rocky Top is in mourning.
More after the "Read More" . . . Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians:
Dag nab it. No simians today.
2.2: Travel:
Travel Picks: Top 10 tech hotels
2.3: Sports:
Senator-elect Brown watches daughter play for BC
No. 8 Georgia knocks off No. 3 Lady Vols
Jackrabbits open weekend series with Oakland -- Women's basketball preview . . .
Wolters second half surge leads Jackrabbits
UMKC goes back to work to end losing streak
UND to delay nickname decision -- Sheesh . . .
SDSU men find range, surge past IPFW
Football Friday
2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Primeval coming back but needs to solve problems
2.5: Science, technology, and space:
Science-free Friday!
2.6: Miscellany:
Dippin': The Craze That's Sweeping The Nation -- yes, it's unspeakably rude and crude. That's why we're not speaking about it. Yah? Don't click through if you're easily offended--or really, if you're offendable at all . . .
Human "bed-warmers" at Holiday Inn
Awesome Takedown of Homeopathy
REVIEW: Mamet’s Compelling ‘Race’ Makes Explosive Case Against Political Correctness -- A while back, David Mamet came out and said he was done with the progressive left . . .
Make pie. Share pie. Eat pie. National Pie Day!
What happened to people who backstab the Clintons – Update -- Curious to see the resurrection of what's essentially a variant of the 1990's "Arkancide" concept of carnage and mayhem in the wake of Bill and Hillary, but here it is . . . at a Hillary fan site . . .
Section Three: The News, featuring Liberty And Its Enemies:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Hey, Larry, I said it first! GOP Could Flip Senate This Fall
Rasmussen: Toomey Easily Ahead of Both Specter and Sestak
Sell Me On Patrick Hughes!
Blunt now leads Carnahan in MO
It Turns Out the First Amendment Prohibits Congress From Punishing People for Their Political Speech
Young Libertarians Flaky, Increasingly Republican-Leaning -- What? Flaky libertarians? Inconceivable!
Could Obey Be Coakley’d?
The Future of Campaign-Finance Laws: Citizens United is Just the Latest Battle in a Long-Running War -- The only solution is complete transparency. . . money is not the problem, secret "factions" gaming the system are the problem . . .
The Cost of Doing Nothing: How ObamaCare revived the debate over the use and abuse of the Commerce Clause
The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy to Take Back the Republican Party and then America at the Ballot Box
Antonin Scalia vs. John Paul Stevens
By avoiding gay issues and focusing on economic ones, GOP candidates can more readily repeat Scott Brown’s feat -- It's The Economic Freedom, Stupid . . .
Beck to Palin: Why are you campaigning for McCain? -- I'm not ready to push this into blithering idiotry, since I'm an unreconstructed, knuckle-dragging Palinista, but . . .
Gay voter remorse as McCains step up where Obama fails -- On the other hand, the man is not without his positive points . . .
Sarah Palin Takes On Feminazis: “REAL Women’s Advocates Are Pro-Life” -- I'm kinda squishy pro-life . . . there are lots of other issues I'd rather worry about . . . I'm an economic conservative, not a social one, for the most part . . .
Needed: A Tea Party Compact -- Lots of people are trying to organize this, but it's truly a problem in herding cats . . .
The revenge of the brightest and the best
Where Do Libertarians Belong in American Politics? -- Um . . . forever on the outside, throwing spitballs at anyone in power?
The Real State of the Union, 2010 -- There are times when STOP!!! is the correct policy. This is one of those times for government . . .
The First Amendment
Latest tea party target: Its own convention -- I admit, the very concept of a "Tea Party Convention" seems a bit counter-intuitive . . .
National Tea Party Convention running into problems
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Obama - "Here's an idea. Since Brown won in Mass. let's destroy Wall Street"
Berry Faults Moran for Hypocrisy on Campaign Finance: 10-Term Democrat Steers Earmarks to Campaign Donors
Obama’s Options: What Would Slick Willie Do? -- Barry, you're no Slick Willie . . .
Obama's Student Loan Grab Will Cost Jobs, Eliminate Competition And Grow Government -- but then, can't you say that about pretty much EVERYTHING Obama wants to do?
Will Proposed Bank Regulations Kill US Bank Competitiveness?
SCOTUS Kills McCain-Feingold. Lady Liberty Smiles
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Scott Brown: My model for governing is … John McCain -- Scott? Sarah? You guys may want to consider picking a different "governing model" considering how McCain's signature legislative success just got shot down by the Supreme Court . . .
Sarah Palin a RINO? -- If the social conservatives aren't careful, "RINO" will become the conservative equivalent of "RAAAAACIST!!!" -- an epithet without any real meaning except "you're a poopy-butt and I don't like you!" . . .
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
“You know you are getting to these Kossacks and when they come after you.” -- Being gay and a Democrat is no defense if you violate the One Rule: Thou Shalt Toe The Progressive/Collectivist Party Line In All Things . . .
The New Progressivism: Same as the Old Progressivism? -- "progressives" aren't. Simple as that. "Progressives" are reactionary, statist/collectivists, the political first cousins of the Soviets--and yes, the National Socialists, too.
Stand With Hillbuzz -- Whom they can't confuse, can't persuade, can't corrupt, can't dissuade, they threaten. It's what they do.
Citizens United Reaction: Amend that First Amendment! -- Tell ya what . . . you back off on limiting the First Amendment, and you won't make The People invoke the Second on your sorry collectivist asses . . .
Licensing is Anti-Competitive — This Time, Its Personal
Left-Liberals on Free Speech and Finance Campaign Laws -- The most important thing to understand is that The "Left" Does Not Believe In Free Speech . . . for YOU, anyway . . . they prove it every single day, if you have the courage to hear what they're actually saying among themselves . . .
Heads We Win, Tails You Lose -- This is why you are a fool to trust a Democrat with your liberty . . .
Targeting the Gun Industry -- Well, people with no real respect for the First Amendment shouldn't be expected to have any respect for any of the other ones . . .
For California Democrats, GOP upset in Massachusetts is a cause for worry
Total Makeover: ACORN Edition : Change the name, keep the same people and undoubtedly the old corrupt practices, and the band plays on . . .
Nader group says let’s change the First Amendment -- You can guess my reaction to this, I think . . .
The Left’s Palinization of the Brown family -- And you can guess my reaction to this . . .
A Warning For The Next Scott Brown -- It will get ugly. The weasels will have to be exposed for what they are, in near-real time . . .
"Bitterly Divided Court" Carelessly "Sweeps Aside" 100 Years of "Important Precedents." Bastards. -- How dares the Supreme Court to think that Americans might actually be able to think for themselves! Definitely not a "progressive" attitude . . . It Must Be Punished . . .
Chuck Schumer Calls for Congressional Hearings on "un-American" Supreme Court Decision . . . It Must Be Punished . . .
Pence: Why is Deficit Commission barred from recommending discretionary cuts? -- Ooh! Ooh! Mr. Pence? Mr. Pence? Might it be . . . because THAT MIGHT MAKE FISCAL SENSE??? We wouldn't want to do that, now would we?
Specter to Bachmann: Act like a lady -- This just in: Arlen Specter is an Asshole with a capital-A . . . Bachmann should have responded by asking Specter to "act like a gentleman."
Tim Carney on "Obamanomics"—Crony capitalism disguised as progressive reform
Democrat navel-gazing watch: "Can Democrats govern?" -- No, judging from the past year we've all been forced to live through . . .
ACORN Filmmakers Giles, O’Keefe Sued in Philadelphia Federal Court -- Hasn't worked yet to intimidate them . . . probably won't work now . . .
Question of the Day: What do you know about George Soros’ Secretary of State Project?
Progressives and Their Fallacies
The Essence of Contemporary Liberalism
The New Face of Organized Labor
The Government's Endless Appetite for Spending: It's time for Congress to go cold turkey.
The Democratic Perversion of Democracy
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
Lib talk radio flops again: Air America goes bankrupt -- A unique combination of incompetence AND bias reaps its just rewards . . .
3.6: Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy:
Conservatives 4 Palin --Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .
3.7: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?" (now including Energy Policy):
Who Needs Energy Independence?: Let free trade and the free market work. -- "When Nixon was president, we imported 25 percent of our oil. Since then, our "leaders" have wasted billions on subsidies for alternative energy. The result? Today we import nearly 70 percent of our oil. " Progress!
Climate Legislation Update: Deploying the "Nuclear Option" Against the EPA? -- Add the EPA to the list of Enemies of Liberty to be abolished when the Revolution succeeds . . .
Why Climategate is so distressing to scientists
Change: Three Blue Dogs now support GOP measure to block EPA from regulating carbon dioxide
Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change Collapsing?
Climategate: CRU Was But the Tip of the Iceberg
3.8: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Today’s Democrat healthcare strategy: Waiting until their opponents calm down [with update]
3.9: The Economy:
Hanke and Hayek vs Bernanke on the Real Estate Bubble
Bi-Partisan Dissaproval of Government’s Role in Recession
Memo to Obama: To Create More Employment, We Need More Employers -- But, for this to make sense, Obama would actually have to understand where jobs come from, and he clearly has not the first clue about that . . .
Economic Freedom: The Key to Making Our Prosperity Enduring
3.10: Foreign affairs and National Security:
Not by PC alone!
Collins, Lieberman introduce bill to require the obvious -- It has come to this, has it?