Morning Whip, Jan. 23, 2010
- Saturday, January 23 2010 @ 12:42 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,525
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Word:
An occasional comment, rant, or snark, brought on by the flow of events:
What we're seeing in Arizona, with J.D. Hayworth announcing a primary challenge against John McCain, is that it is once more the Republican Party which is the repository of ideological diversity in the American political scene. The Democrats have been completely seized by the far-left, "progressives" who want nothing more than to implement socialism in their fervent, misguided belief that this time, they'll do it right, unlike every other single time in human history it's been tried--a uniform and dismal history of failure and, more often than not, death and murder on a massive scale--all due to the fatal conceit of a few people that they know better than their fellows how everybody should run their lives.
So, on the one hand, I don't think McCain can be easily forgiven for his transgression which was McCain-Feingold, aka the Incumbent Protection Act. On the other hand, I don't think he's a socialist. He's a centrist--which means he really has no clue about what the "progressives" really want. He has the vague notion that they're wrong, but it's not at all clear to me that he knows why they're so disastrously, drastically wrong. Palin, on the other hand, does--and I think so does Hayworth.
Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians:
2.2: Travel:
2.3: Sports:
Charging rule a non-factor so far
State of basketball in Kansas is thriving
Royals snag outfielder Ankiel
More after the "read more" . . . 2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
The Top 9 Signs You’re Reading a Bad Dystopia Novel -- There are GOOD dystopian novels?
The 100 "cheesiest movie quotes of all time" -- You KNOW a lot of them will be SF movies . . .
2.5: Miscellany:
Introducing the Whopper Bar: Burger King to sell beer at fast food joints
Wow. New York Times Article About Charles Johnson Is Reasonably Accurate -- If you missed the Little Green Footballs blog controversy . . . you didn't miss much, really . . .
Stand Up for HillBuzz! -- In other BlogWar news . . .
2.6: Science, technology, and space:
Survey: $700 May Be Limit for Tablet Buyers
The Myth of an "Obesity Tsunami"
Section Three: The News, featuring Liberty And Its Enemies:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Five Memes Destroyed by Scott Brown’s Victory
Are Donation Limits Next?
Only 103 of 435 House Seats Now Safe For Dems In 2010 Election -- By the Law of Averages, the Democrats will have to blindly stumble into some correct policy decision soon . . . won't they?
Politician Gary Johnson Makes Some Sweet, Sweet Sounds
Why the Brown Revolution of ‘10 Has More Staying Power than the Obama Movement of ‘08
Q: When Do Proposed Constitutional Amendments Deserve Derision?
For Conservatives, It’s Christmas in January: That Was the Week That Was -- "Great, kid, don't get cocky!"
Tea Party Crashers
Say It Loud -- I'm Conservative, and I'm Proud! -- Except, you know, I'm not really a "conservative," except I kinda am, but not really . . .
The Context Of Middle-Class Frustration -- "The middle class is the great enemy of collectivist politics, under any of its names: progressivism, communism, fascism, or “liberalism.” As far back as Karl Marx, the apostles of collectivism have understood that they must subjugate the middle class before they can claim total victory."
Scott Brown's Senate win tied to dissatisfaction with Obama, Washington and federal activism
What Now for the Tea Parties?
My Massachusetts District Didn’t Learn A Thing
A Resounding Defense of the First Amendment: ‘Congress Shall Make No Law’
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
California Democrats Ignore Brown Win: Vote For Bankruptcy -- Why should Washington idiot Democrats have all the idiot fun?
DoJ recommends Bush strategy for terrorist detainees -- IT'S BUSH'S FAULT!!! But, um, we're going to keep his policies going, because we can't think of how to do it better . . .
Democratic Disaray Attributable To Obama’s Lack Of Leadership
Obama's Town Hall In Ohio -- You only see the best couple of clips on the news . . . the reality of Obama is much different than that presented by the fawning, supportive big media . . .
Making Speeches Does Not Constitute Leadership -- When your only skill is a deep voice and a knack for reading off of a TelePrompTer, why would any rational person think you're qualified to be President?
America's Mayors Grade The President -- I'll give you three guesses why Obama didn't allow press coverage--and the first two guesses don't count.
People Just Aren’t Buying Health Care Plan Dems Are Selling -- Typical Democrat reaction: "You people are STUPID! Don't you know we know what's best for you? What is WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?"
Obama: The Anti-John Adams
61% of US Voters Want Congress to Drop Health Care But Obama Vows to Fight On (Video)
Conrad Black: Incompetent Obama teeters on the edge
Obama's Train Wreck of a Town Hall in Ohio
Obama says court ruling a blow to democracy
Faux-Populist President Still Slamming Supreme Court
Shootin’ with the Governor (Perry)
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
Wherein I breathlessly await the Pachyderm strategy for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory . . .
Michelle urges Palin: Don’t campaign for McCain! Update: Hayworth jumps in? There's idiocy here somewhere, but I'm not yet sure exactly where it lies . . .
Senator Jon Kyl’s Bad Bet
The Scott Brown Plan To Screw The Voters -- Well, he is a Massachusetts Republican, after all . . .
John McCain: Palin's Political Bridge to Nowhere -- I think there's a general consensus that This Is Not A Good Idea for Palin . . . although I don't really see how she can do anything but back McCain--at least until Hayworth beats him in the primary . . .
Inconsistency Anyone?
Hayworth announces primary challenge to McCain
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Babies With Uzis
‘Head Start’: The $166 Billion Fed Ed Failure -- No, I'm not anti-education. I'm anti-Stupid.
Are You Not Offended?!?! -- I mean, Scott Brown and his family sometimes take their clothes off! And they're REPUBLICANS! SHOCKING! I guess one difference is that they don't do it while appearing in a Super Bowl halftime show, but what can you say, really?
The Left’s Freaked Out Reaction To Citizens United v. FEC -- It's almost like they don't really believe in freedom of speech, y'know?
Politico Notices: Hey, There Seems to be Some Light-to-Moderate Astroturfing Going on for Obama
The Rules Simply Don’t Apply to Liberals -- "Do As I Say, Not As I Do . . ."
Exorcising The Ghost of Che Guevara: How his violent life undercuts his mythic image. -- People don't understand that wearing a Che t-shirt is a bit like wearing a Charles Manson t-shirt, except that Che makes Manson look like the amateur he was. When you wear Che you are approving politically motivated mass murder. Viva!
Dems’ “Characteristic Condescension” Caused Their Collapse . . . worst case of Know-It-All Syndrome this nation has witnessed in . . . well . . . maybe forever . . .
Scary Times in Obama High -- "The alternative to capitalism is socialism and it has never worked. Not once, in all its myriad permutations." And yet the Democrats say "No, really, it will work this time. Trust us." Uh-huh. Sure.
Risky business
SEIU warns Obama: If ObamaCare doesn’t pass, we might not be there for the midterms -- The peculiar institution known as the Progressive Circular Firing Squad begins to form . . .
Ohio Paper Catches Obama-Supporting Sock Puppet In Letter Writing Campaign -- Illustrative of how the "progressive" 25% of the American population manages to convince the other 75% that the "progressives" are the "majority." They lie, and when they do, they do it so loudly that it sounds like a majority. But it isn't.
Obama's Suckers -- First get the confidence of the mark, then take their money . . . that's why they call it a "con game" in the first place!
Dusting Off the Political F-Word
The Left-Wing View of Popular Will
THE NEW BLACKLIST: Oakland Mayor to Theatre Board Member — ‘Do you now or have you ever supported traditional marriage?’
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
VIDEO: Jon Stewart Destroys Keith Olbermann -- If Bill O'Reilly was half the buffoon Olbermann was, he would have been fired from Fox News long ago . . .
It Has Begun… State-Run Media Begins Massive Smear Campaign Against Scott Brown; Use DNC Talking Points
OMG: Washington Post's Spin On Brown's Arrival In DC Is More Blatant Than Daily Kos'
Brown Doesn’t Match Everyman Image
The Propaganda of Omission
Video: GE/MSNBC political commentator pretty upset about political influence of corporations -- Pots and kettles, pots and kettles . . .
Video: Guess who’s out of favor now?
3.6: Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy:
Conservatives 4 Palin --Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .
3.7: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Statistics expert Briggs: Actually, Weather Is Climate
More Global Warming Gaffes
They Should Be Paying Us
So, their gloom & doom is based on a report riddled with errors?
Arctic temperatures above 80°N are the lowest in six years
Sanity check: 2008 & 2009 Were The Coolest Years Since 1998 in the USA
3.8: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Massachusetts Voters Decided To Make A Stand, But Is It Enough To Save American Healthcare?
CT poll shows support for ObamaCare crumbling -- That's Connecticut--one of the most communist of the "blue" states . . .
Believe it or not: Chris Matthews destroys Grayson over reconciliation on ObamaCare -- There are few politicians more richly deserving of rhetorical destruction than the boorish and loathsome Alan Grayson (D-FL).
3.9: The Economy:
3.10: Foreign affairs and National Security:
The U.S. doesn’t do enough for Haiti? Check out the other U.N. Member States
Hugo Chavez Blames Haiti Destruction on US Earthquake Machine (Video)