Morning Whip, Feb. 4, 2010
- Thursday, February 04 2010 @ 10:50 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,932
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Word:
An occasional comment, rant, or snark, brought on by the flow of events:
Jonah Goldberg: Liberal Fascism "is simply useless against zombies, save in bulk. If you dropped a pallet of books on one, it would probably kill it, or at least delay its advance long enough for the double-tap. Obviously, this means people need to start buying it in bulk."
Who says conservatives don't have a sense of humor? And, perhaps THIS is why Sarah Palin was buying up all of those copies of her book. Don't believe that story about owing thousands of copies to donors of her PAC. That's obviously a smoke-screen. She knows something we don't. Maybe about sheep.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Watch out for sheep. Especially demon sheep. California demon sheep. I can't imagine those California dairy cows are very contented right now.
Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians and other aminals*:
Giant Squids Lure California Fishing Enthusiasts -- What goes better together than puppies and squid? I mean really . . .
*Yes, I know it's "animals," it's just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .
2.2: Travel:
Airline insecurity story of the day -- I'll put this under "Travel" because hey! fake U.S. Marshals and their fake prisoners need to travel, too . . . right?
Heat of the moment -- Boeing 787 interior photos . . .
Would You Cruise From New York … in the Winter?
Does new Delta strategy spell trouble for Cincinnati hub?
2.3: Sports:
Jackrabbits add 21 for football
Williams to start at point vs. Arkansas -- Tennessee Lady Vols basketball news . . .
SDSU recruiting video, video, video
SDSU soccer inks six
Texas A&M knocks off Missouri 77-74
Top-ranked Kansas survives scare at Colorado
Recruiting wrap
2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Evolution of the Novel Part 3
2.5: Miscellany:
You Gotta Keep the Devil Way Down in a Hole
Toyota fixes Prius problem as recall hits $2 billion
CBS sells out of ad time for Super Bowl -- The real reason CBS insisted on running the Tebow ad: they couldn't afford not to. They weren't sold out until less than a week before the game . . .
Toyota’s ‘Out-of-Control’ Recall
2.6: Science, technology, and space:
Fish Oil Might Keep You Sane -- Pass the tuna and salmon, please . . . and an extra helping for the moonbat left and the paranoid right (who, just because they're paranoid doesn't mean Obama ISN'T out to get them) . . .
Email accounts at risk from not-so-secret questions
Study: Cell Phone Bans Don't Improve Road Safety
Spiraling Out Of Control
Section Three: The News, featuring Liberty And Its Enemies:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Hidden cloture in reconciliation? -- And, irony of ironies, the more pages a bill is, the easier it's possible to offer a practically unlimited number of amendments . . .
Scott Brown Demands to Be Seated – State Officials Will Certify His Win Today -- He may be a RINO, but he's OUR RINO, darnitall!
Question: Can any Democrat win the presidency in 2012? -- Yes, of course. 2012 is a loooooong way away.
Seating Scott Brown
Brown to Senate: Seat Me, Now
Tomorrow: Senator Scott Brown to be Sworn In
Sorry, Wade: James O’Keefe’s Actions Don’t Excuse ACORN -- "You're a poopy-butt!" isn't really a very effective response when you've been credibly accused of corruption and vote fraud on a massive scale, you know . . .
Hmmmmm: Mitt Romney to Raise Money for John Thune
Fighting the Nuclear Option -- With the Republicans, the "Nuclear Option" was a tool to get the Democrats to the table and maybe to compromise a bit. For Democrats, it's to obliterate all opposition and impose their will upon an unwilling country. A slight difference, one of nuance and subtle distinction.
GOP poll: Republican leads by 12 points in race for Obama’s Senate seat?
JUDD GREGG ERUPTS – Eviscerates Peter Orszag (Video)
Sarah Palin and the Tea Party: The people's governor makes a play for the most interesting sector of American politics.
"We're Comin' to Get You": NY-23 and VA-5
Media Insiders Ousted by Citizens United v. FEC
Fiscal Stimulus is Buying Trouble: Why government spending hasn't brought the economy around
Mark Tapscott: Third party is the wrong party for Tea Partiers
Blogger attacked by Secret Service?
“Biased” Judge Does the Right Thing
Obamanomics: 42% said it made things worse, only 11% say better
Enough With The Idol-Worship Sopfest Already
There Are Two Kinds of Libertarians...
Senator Paul Kirk Must Resign His Seat This Morning
She's baaack! Sarah Palin launches her next political journey at a Tennessee Tea Party -- "Her fans know they like her and don't care what she doesn't know, just as Obama fans don't care that he counted 57 states, thought Canada has a president and Austrians speak Austrian."
Tea Partiers Shouldn't Date the GOP -- This has, to me, the scent of a "concern troll" . . .
3.11: Sheep (in politics):
Video: The freaky deaky Carly Fiorina “sheep” attack ad
Great Merciful Zeus — you must stop the demon sheep -- OK. The Great California Sheep War. As if California wasn't weird enough now.
Mister President, We Cannot Afford A Demon Sheep Gap!
Get Your Own Demon Sheep Merchandise!
Fun with sheep
I don't think this will end well. For anyone. Not even Shawn the Sheep.
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Video: Gregg instructs Orszag on TARP
It Depends On What the Meaning of "Excluded" Is -- Obama's lobbyist policy is a bad joke, of course . . .
In Their Own Words: Spending Our Way Out of the Recession -- You just have to shake your head . . . then vote their sorry, stupid, economically illiterate asses out this fall . . .
Lincoln presses Obama on party 'extremes' at Q and A -- The few true small-d democrats left in the laughably named Democratic Party need to start acting like small-d-democrats and stop cooperating with the totalitarian progressives who hold the reins of the Democratic Party . . .
Obama Lectures GOP – Won’t Allow an “I Win, You Lose” Mentality -- "Do as I say, not as I do. . ."
Obama Sec. LaHood to Toyota Owners: Don’t Drive Your Cars… Wait, Go Ahead & Drive Them (Video) -- . . . Who Are These Guys (the Obama Administration, that is)? . . .
Democratic Governors’ Association Releases Tirade Against Voters
Ohhhhhh Dearie: GOP Poll Puts Kirk Up Twelve Points Over Mob-Connected Mobbed-Up Mob-Banker Giannoulias
Updated: Is Geithner’s successor right here in Kansas City? -- Oh, goodie! Another blithering idiot right here in River City? Of course, judging from the KCMO school district and city government, they are in plentiful supply in the City of Fountains . . .
Obama Tells Lawmakers to Stop Reading Blogs, Watching TV -- "Stick your fingers in your ears," the President continued, "and close your eyes real tight and say la-la-la-la-la until all the bad Tea people just go away" . . .
Special Olympics Un-Accepts Apology
Did We Just Get Lectured on Fiscal Responsibility By the Guy With the $1.6 Trillion Budget Deficit?
Europeans "Shattered" by Obama's Indifference: "Bush Was Not the Problem, Obama Is Not the Solution"
Blanche Lincoln to Obama: When are we going to push back against the left? -- Is she that stupid? Is she? Well, she is a Senator, so yes, maybe she is . . .
Obama Finally Admits You Can Kiss Your Doctor Good-Bye Under Obamacare (Video)
Spendaholics Anonymous
“We’ve got to make sure that our party understands that, like it or not, we have to have a financial system that is healthy and functioning, so we can’t be demonizing every bank out there,” Obama said. -- Then STOP DOING IT, you blithering idiot!
I Think It's Safe to Call a Winner in the Palin-Emanuel Battle (Democrat Party Hack Donna Brazille Effectively Confirms Palin Victory)
Congressional Democrats are nay-saying Obama's budget -- No, no, no, people, it's not "nay," it's "bah." "Nay" is a horsie. "Bah" is sheepish.
"Stunning admission of incompetence"
When Did the American People Elect Eric Holder Commander in Chief?
Obama: “Every economist” says I saved or created 2 million jobs -- What. A. TOOL.
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
No. Seriously. Sheep? Seriously?
No Sheeples Here
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Do Elections Matter to Democrats? -- If they win, yes. If not then, well, not so much . . .
Project Vote Pillaged The State Of Missouri, And I’ve Had Enough
Why You Should Know About Craig Becker (and Why You Need to Be Worried) -- Who, you ask? Read the story at the link . . .
Budget 2011: Crushing Dreams for DC Vouchers Students -- Because they care, you know . . .
A Bleary-Eyed Attitude to Alcohol Research -- "It ain't what people don't know that's the problem, it's what people think they know that just isn't true . . .
Far-Left Logic: You are a Tax Cheat if the Government Doesn't Tax You Enough -- If this makes sense to you, then you are a progressive, and no friend of liberty and freedom . . .
Dale Robertson, No Friend of Ours -- There will be a lot more of this sort of thing--either false-flag leftists, or truly twisted, deluded characters who mistake chest-puffery for bravery and confuse anarchy with freedom. They will be vigorously pursued and reported by a thoroughly biased Old Media press.
How to Blame Bush: Lie
What the Obama Budget Reveals -- "Above all, the 2011 budget reveals just how reckless Obama has become."
Cheap Natural Gas and Its Democrat Enemies
The White House's Illegal Piggy Bank
Challenging the Rule of Law
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
We Feel Your Pain. Really. We Do. -- Bad Day At Black Rock . . .
BBC Offers the Extended Remix of Obama's Bitter, Angry Voters Speech -- Oddly enough, we "just plain folks" often ask "Why do news organizations act against the people's interest" too . . .
Video: MS-NBC cuts away when Obama slams … MS-NBC
Countdown begins for end of Keith Olbermann's 'Countdown'? -- The thing with the photo sizes in the article is pretty funny . . .
Katie Couric and the New Populism
Meltdown for Keith Olbermann
The John Edwards Story: The MSM Was First to Know, Last to Tell You
Sarah Palin’s Fair Weather “Friends” -- "The perfect is the enemy of the good. . ."
b>3.51: The reality of Andrew Sullivan as a blithering idiot:
Andrew Sullivan, *censored*ing Retard -- Yes, Ace that's another apt description . . . and topical, too (but beware of the 'Cuda when you say that) . . .
Oh. My. God. -- Yes, that's another very good reaction to Mr. Sullivan's idiocy . . .
Andrew Sullivan Acts Retardedly -- Our boy Andy's gonna get a lot of this . . . but I hear he's a BIG boy, if you know what I mean, and I know you do . . .
3.6: Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy:
Conservatives 4 Palin --Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .
3.7: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Magazine Editor and Former Global Warming Alarmist: "I Feel Like I've Been Had"
In 1790, Philly “had a fever”, today, not so much
Government’s Out-of-Step Agitprop on Global Warming -- It would be kinda funny, if it wasn't OUR MONEY they were preparing to spend to fix what ain't broke . . .
The Guardian hounds CRU with new reports
IPCC fires back – “challenges are without foundation”
The CFC Ban: Global Warming's Pilot Episode
IPCC: International Pack of Climate Crooks
LBNL on Himalayas: “greenhouse gases alone are not nearly enough to be responsible for the snow melt”
: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
The Political Case Against Passing Health Care Reform
3.9: The Economy:
"You Lie! " Government May Lose 824,000 Jobs In Revision
Bloomberg: Govt unemployment figures may be vastly understated due to modeling flaws
20,000 Reasons Not to Hire Someone
Yuk-Yuk… Obama and Democrats Get Together- Crack Jokes About $1.4 Trillion Deficit (Video) -- That's a $1,400 Million deficit. That's an obscenely big number. That requires the retirement of ALL Democrats running this fall.
Government debt concerns weigh on European markets -- What? Debt could be a problem? The devil (sheep) you say!
It's the regulatory uncertainty, stupid
Guess what rose “unexpectedly”? -- I think the Democrats will be "unexpectedly" thrown out on their asses this November . . .
3.10: Foreign affairs and National Security:
Why China is Not an Economic Threat to the United States
Dubai discovers new oil field -- What's Arabic for "Drill, baby, drill?"