Morning Whip, Feb. 14, 2010
- Sunday, February 14 2010 @ 12:01 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 2,233
St. Valentine. Banned in Saudi Arabia.
SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Woman attacked by shark in Whitsundays -- This one's for Todd, our personal trainer . . .
Breeding Ancient Cattle Back from Extinction
Maine officials: That was no drowning snowmobiler on lake, it was probably a snacking otter -- That's "snow machine" in Alaska. Of course, it is a well-known fact that there are no lakes in Alaska, and if there were, none would be un-frozen enough to drown in.
*Yes, I know it's "animals," it's just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .
Air New Zealand's Secret Weapon: War Dances and Happy Customers
Penn beats Cornell 79-64
Former Oklahoma State coach Sean Sutton arrested
KU thinks it’s seen enough adversity
Jacks ready for NDSU: Men's rivalry one-sided
No. 20 Iowa State overwhelms No. 11 Baylor 69-45
Science Fiction and Writing:
Question: How Do You Approach Reading a Series? -- I like having at least the first three books in hand before starting . . . just the way I am . . .
Science, technology, and space:
Snow in all 50 states?
Straight News--Stuff sufficiently serious to deserve a serious treatment:
HAPPILY, THIS IS RARE. Especially as I have a tenure meeting next week. -- "Blithering idiot" severely underestimates the act, and demeans the victims.
Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Are Scientists Always Smart? -- In my experience of 18 years working at a university, some scientists are just brilliant, some are pretty darn smart, and some are basically idiot-savants--deeply knowledgeable in a small area of knowledge but utterly clueless in many--possibly most--other things encountered by humans in life. As usual, the really brilliant ones are rare, and the idiot-savants are the vast majority. For some reason, the idiot-savants usually carry themselves as smarter than the rest of us (insisting on being called "Doctor" and the like, while the brilliant ones are usually fairly humble and generally a lot of fun to be around--at least that was my experience in the ivory tower.
Crooks libraries getting renovation -- Just because the headline amuses me (Crooks is a little town outside Sioux Falls, SD . . .)
Jungle Trader -- Where some of the most amusing articles (animals/weirdness) come from . . .
the war against plain -- Japanese rice cookers. Real oatmeal. Real grits.
SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Paulson says that Palin was Right on All of the Hot Button Issues
At last, America has its very own iron lady -- "This isn’t a normal politician. This is Godzilla in heels."
What You’d Find at a Real Tea Party
What Glenn Reynolds saw at the Tea Party
The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know--ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Why Tenure Harms Education -- Tenure works as long as faculty behave responsibly. Trusting people to behave responsibly while taking away the major negative ramification for bad behavior seldom works well in the long run . . .
How About Some Quality Control
Remembering Lincoln: What is ‘The New Birth of Freedom’?
The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he's the President, so he gets credit, if that's the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
B-Cast Interviews Dr John C. Drew On Obama’s Early Marxist Years -- Being a Marxist is pretty much the definition of "blithering idiot" -- at least in these here parts . . .
Obama says new budget rules will rein in spending -- Obama also said unemployment would never, ever reach 10% if only the Stimulus passed in Congress, so there you go . . .
Obama's Blair House Project -- (pdf at link) Yeah, i came up with that my very own self. IT'S A TRAP!
Obama: Blame Banks for Lack of New Jobs -- Is there anybody in America this man hasn't blamed--except the guy he sees in the mirror every morning?
Democrats offering a product America doesn’t want: collectivism -- IT'S A TRAP!
Outrage: Obama Tripled Budget Deficit in 2009– Today He BLAMED IT ALL On Bush (Video) -- The man obviously thinks you are stupid. Are you?
Barack Obama: Americans Are Tired of Politicians Who “Talk the Talk But Won’t Walk the Walk” on Fiscal Responsibility (Video) -- Somebody introduce this man to a mirror? Or . . . maybe . . . HE HAS NO REFLECTION! AIEEEE!!!!
(You know this is humor, right? Humor? Rats! Rats! Rats! Hundreds! Thousands! MILLIONS of them!) A Bad Hairball Day For Sissypuss?
The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Some House Dems wonder whether Obama wants them to lose -- Since Obama's default argument is "Those evil Republicans . . . who evilly refuse to come to the table of bi-partisanship to be harangued, lectured, and insulted by ME, the Speaker of All Truth!" yes, in a sense, it would be easier for him if Democrats did not control Congress . . .
The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
If you were going to write an invitation designed to make sure Republicans don't come to President Obama's 2/25 "bipartisan" health care summit . . . -- IT'S A TRAP!
Obama officially invites GOP, Dems to health-care summit -- IT'S A TRAP!
Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
“If U.S. and Russian Borders Were Only 100 Miles Apart. . ." -- Heh.
Vigilance: I’m Banning Birfers, Truthers, and Groups Affiliated Therewith -- There are some conspiracy theories which are NOT HELPFUL in the fight for human freedom and liberty . . .
Muslims Say Body Scanners Violate Their Faith -- Won't it be fun to see how this plays out?
Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
The New Commandments on the Animal Farm Barn Wall
Palace Guard Comedians: George Lopez Calls Sarah Palin a ‘B*tch’ -- When it comes down to it, all the collectivist left has is name calling, and appeals to emotion. Facts, logic, and human nature are against them. This is why they are even angrier now that they're in power than they were when they weren't.
Glenn Reynolds Writes About National Tea Party Convention …Update: Media Matters Attacks -- As Gateway Pundit notes, as predictable as clockwork. Oppose the Enlightened Ones, and feel their wrath. But I'm not sure I'd take on Reynolds in a blog war. He is, after all, the general officer of the Army of Davids . . .
SEIU’s Shameless Abuse of Olympic Games Tragedy -- This is what they do--they politicize EVERYTHING.
The Keith Olbermann Memorial "Special Comment" on blithering idiots in the Media:
Keith Olbermann Once Again Displays His Astonishing Lack of Self-Awareness
Washington Post Corrects Mistake in Article about Palin's Wallace Interview
Note to Rachel Maddow
SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Congenital Climate Abnormalities
Huge Climate Story…. Honesty.
Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
What's worse than health care overhaul? No changes -- Propaganda piece from the Associated Press. Actually, socialism is worse than doing nothing. Much, much worse. Social Security is socialism. We can't afford that. Medicare is socialism. We can't afford that, either. Why would any rational human being think we can afford Medicare On Steroids?
Socialism? IT'S A TRAP!!!
About “Reconciliation”
The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
In Europe, Time for Tea
The Folly of Financial Reform
Which Organs Can I Live Without, and How Much Cash Can I Get for Them? -- News You Can Use . . .
Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish--or Chinese--or Arabic--or all three?):
Flying laser zaps missile in first for U.S. -- Frickin' "la-sers!"
Michael Yon sends this dispatch to Instapundit readers -- from on the ground in Afghanistan . . .
The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don't feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I've been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)
St. Valentine. Banned in Saudi Arabia.
SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Woman attacked by shark in Whitsundays -- This one's for Todd, our personal trainer . . .
Breeding Ancient Cattle Back from Extinction
Maine officials: That was no drowning snowmobiler on lake, it was probably a snacking otter -- That's "snow machine" in Alaska. Of course, it is a well-known fact that there are no lakes in Alaska, and if there were, none would be un-frozen enough to drown in.
*Yes, I know it's "animals," it's just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .
Air New Zealand's Secret Weapon: War Dances and Happy Customers
Penn beats Cornell 79-64
Former Oklahoma State coach Sean Sutton arrested
KU thinks it’s seen enough adversity
Jacks ready for NDSU: Men's rivalry one-sided
No. 20 Iowa State overwhelms No. 11 Baylor 69-45
Science Fiction and Writing:
Question: How Do You Approach Reading a Series? -- I like having at least the first three books in hand before starting . . . just the way I am . . .
Science, technology, and space:
Snow in all 50 states?
Straight News--Stuff sufficiently serious to deserve a serious treatment:
HAPPILY, THIS IS RARE. Especially as I have a tenure meeting next week. -- "Blithering idiot" severely underestimates the act, and demeans the victims.
Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Are Scientists Always Smart? -- In my experience of 18 years working at a university, some scientists are just brilliant, some are pretty darn smart, and some are basically idiot-savants--deeply knowledgeable in a small area of knowledge but utterly clueless in many--possibly most--other things encountered by humans in life. As usual, the really brilliant ones are rare, and the idiot-savants are the vast majority. For some reason, the idiot-savants usually carry themselves as smarter than the rest of us (insisting on being called "Doctor" and the like, while the brilliant ones are usually fairly humble and generally a lot of fun to be around--at least that was my experience in the ivory tower.
Crooks libraries getting renovation -- Just because the headline amuses me (Crooks is a little town outside Sioux Falls, SD . . .)
Jungle Trader -- Where some of the most amusing articles (animals/weirdness) come from . . .
the war against plain -- Japanese rice cookers. Real oatmeal. Real grits.
SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Paulson says that Palin was Right on All of the Hot Button Issues
At last, America has its very own iron lady -- "This isn’t a normal politician. This is Godzilla in heels."
What You’d Find at a Real Tea Party
What Glenn Reynolds saw at the Tea Party
The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know--ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Why Tenure Harms Education -- Tenure works as long as faculty behave responsibly. Trusting people to behave responsibly while taking away the major negative ramification for bad behavior seldom works well in the long run . . .
How About Some Quality Control
Remembering Lincoln: What is ‘The New Birth of Freedom’?
The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he's the President, so he gets credit, if that's the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
B-Cast Interviews Dr John C. Drew On Obama’s Early Marxist Years -- Being a Marxist is pretty much the definition of "blithering idiot" -- at least in these here parts . . .
Obama says new budget rules will rein in spending -- Obama also said unemployment would never, ever reach 10% if only the Stimulus passed in Congress, so there you go . . .
Obama's Blair House Project -- (pdf at link) Yeah, i came up with that my very own self. IT'S A TRAP!
Obama: Blame Banks for Lack of New Jobs -- Is there anybody in America this man hasn't blamed--except the guy he sees in the mirror every morning?
Democrats offering a product America doesn’t want: collectivism -- IT'S A TRAP!
Outrage: Obama Tripled Budget Deficit in 2009– Today He BLAMED IT ALL On Bush (Video) -- The man obviously thinks you are stupid. Are you?
Barack Obama: Americans Are Tired of Politicians Who “Talk the Talk But Won’t Walk the Walk” on Fiscal Responsibility (Video) -- Somebody introduce this man to a mirror? Or . . . maybe . . . HE HAS NO REFLECTION! AIEEEE!!!!
(You know this is humor, right? Humor? Rats! Rats! Rats! Hundreds! Thousands! MILLIONS of them!) A Bad Hairball Day For Sissypuss?
The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Some House Dems wonder whether Obama wants them to lose -- Since Obama's default argument is "Those evil Republicans . . . who evilly refuse to come to the table of bi-partisanship to be harangued, lectured, and insulted by ME, the Speaker of All Truth!" yes, in a sense, it would be easier for him if Democrats did not control Congress . . .
The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
If you were going to write an invitation designed to make sure Republicans don't come to President Obama's 2/25 "bipartisan" health care summit . . . -- IT'S A TRAP!
Obama officially invites GOP, Dems to health-care summit -- IT'S A TRAP!
Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
“If U.S. and Russian Borders Were Only 100 Miles Apart. . ." -- Heh.
Vigilance: I’m Banning Birfers, Truthers, and Groups Affiliated Therewith -- There are some conspiracy theories which are NOT HELPFUL in the fight for human freedom and liberty . . .
Muslims Say Body Scanners Violate Their Faith -- Won't it be fun to see how this plays out?
Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
The New Commandments on the Animal Farm Barn Wall
Palace Guard Comedians: George Lopez Calls Sarah Palin a ‘B*tch’ -- When it comes down to it, all the collectivist left has is name calling, and appeals to emotion. Facts, logic, and human nature are against them. This is why they are even angrier now that they're in power than they were when they weren't.
Glenn Reynolds Writes About National Tea Party Convention …Update: Media Matters Attacks -- As Gateway Pundit notes, as predictable as clockwork. Oppose the Enlightened Ones, and feel their wrath. But I'm not sure I'd take on Reynolds in a blog war. He is, after all, the general officer of the Army of Davids . . .
SEIU’s Shameless Abuse of Olympic Games Tragedy -- This is what they do--they politicize EVERYTHING.
The Keith Olbermann Memorial "Special Comment" on blithering idiots in the Media:
Keith Olbermann Once Again Displays His Astonishing Lack of Self-Awareness
Washington Post Corrects Mistake in Article about Palin's Wallace Interview
Note to Rachel Maddow
SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Congenital Climate Abnormalities
Huge Climate Story…. Honesty.
Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
What's worse than health care overhaul? No changes -- Propaganda piece from the Associated Press. Actually, socialism is worse than doing nothing. Much, much worse. Social Security is socialism. We can't afford that. Medicare is socialism. We can't afford that, either. Why would any rational human being think we can afford Medicare On Steroids?
Socialism? IT'S A TRAP!!!
About “Reconciliation”
The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
In Europe, Time for Tea
The Folly of Financial Reform
Which Organs Can I Live Without, and How Much Cash Can I Get for Them? -- News You Can Use . . .
Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish--or Chinese--or Arabic--or all three?):
Flying laser zaps missile in first for U.S. -- Frickin' "la-sers!"
Michael Yon sends this dispatch to Instapundit readers -- from on the ground in Afghanistan . . .
The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don't feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I've been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)