Morning Whip, Feb. 25, 2010
- Thursday, February 25 2010 @ 05:10 AM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 2,204
I don't want to be a political blog. I really don't. I want to post stories about weird animal stories and funny headlines and sports and travel and having fun and just living life.
But there are people out there who won't let me alone to do that.
So, I post political stuff.
They stop trying to screw up everyone's life, I stop the political stuff. (OK--I probably won't stop completely. But it'll scale way back.)
Meanwhile, Democrat Senators line up to oppose the President's scheme to bypass the filibuster and enact the "tyranny of the majority:"
SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Tree-Dwelling Mammals Climb to the Heights of Longevity
*Yes, I know it's "animals," it's just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .
Update: Tragic Bus Accident on Cruise-Sponsored Shore Excursion
A cruise to remember..
Sluggerrr Accused of Throwing Hot Dog At Fan
Tennessee enters top-4 fray in new poll
Jackrabbit football ranks 17th in FCS attendance
Jackrabbits regular season ends at home
Gators use big run to upend No. 19 Vols 75-62
Summit closing in on tourney television deal
Circling the Summit
UND misses Summit League scheduling window
Nude Women of Curling: The 2009 Calendar
Straight News--Stuff sufficiently serious to deserve a serious treatment:
Judge Alex Kozinski: The Fourth Amendment is Gone. "Welcome to the fish bowl."
Pandemic has not yet peaked, WHO experts advise
SeaWorld Orlando trainer killed in whale attack
Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Police say man angry with his wife used backhoe to crush 30 demolition derby cars
Hydraulic lift frees skittish cat from security at Newark Liberty airport
SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
It's snow joke: Michigan tax increase gets frosty reception from army of snowman protesters
The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know--ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Everyone Who Knows What They're Talking About Agrees with Me: And everyone who doesn't wears a tin foil hat
Better to give than attack
Beck and the legacy
The reality of President Obama and his entire Administration as blithering idiots:
What can President Obama learn from President Bush's bipartisan successes
Gaffetastic… White House Can’t Find GOP Health Care Bill That’s On Their Webpage
I’ve Got Your Deficit Commission Right Here!
Is Obama a lame duck already?
He Might Not Have the Votes...
What Do You Expect with Obama?
Obama's Ides-of-March Moment is Near
Mark Levin: Obama is “Biggest Disaster in American History” (Video)
Good news: Super busy president already gaming out reelection campaign
Does Geithner Need Turbo Tax’s Treasury Edition?
They did crazy things like this in Germany, China, the Soviet Union, and in Science Fiction, too.
Prove It!… Obama Whines at Business Roundtable- “I’m Not a Socialist”
The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Reid to GOP: “Stop crying” about reconciliation already
Bernie Sanders: Climate-change skeptics kind of remind me of Nazi appeasers
Newly Released Documents Show That Nancy Pelosi Lied About Waterboarding (Video) -- Sun rises in the East. Dog bites Man. Democrats lie, and get away with it.
Democrats: Say Goodbye to Wall Street? -- Idiocy has consequences . . .
Worst. Congress. Ever. Posts 10% Approval Rating
The Parasite Circuit
Speaking of reconciliation...
The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
Boehner: This health-care summit is a total sham but we must attend anyway
He's the chairman; how do we deal with it?
Limbaugh: Romney’s endorsement of McCain is suicidal
Fight the Power: The unfulfilled promise of “constitutional conservatism”
A failure of GOP imagination
Schwarzenegger: The tea party movement will fade when the economy comes back -- Proving it's not only Washington Republicans who are blithering idiots . . .
Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
Do I have to hate people who don't exist?
Tea partiers circulating “declaration of independence” from GOP -- I'm unconvinced of the prudence of this approach . . .
Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Civility and its enemies
The Left Will Try to Split the Conservative Vote
The Keith Olbermann Memorial "Special Comment" on blithering idiots in the Media:
The old “coconut” smear: Another white liberal bigmouth with race issues
Chris Matthews: Saul Alinsky I Admire In So Many Ways (Video)
Why Keith Olbermann Is Failing
WaPo Blog Lumps Black Conservatives With Mass Murdering Dictators
Atlanta Progressive News fires reporter for trying to be objective
SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Time For A Redo
Al Gore Is Lying Low -- for Good Reason
A Pending American Temperaturegate
Climategate: What We Should Be Doing About Natural Climate Change
On the Credibility of Climate Research, Part II: Towards Rebuilding Trust
An Amber Alert Has Been Issued for Former Vice President and AGW Pope Al Gore
Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Now Is Not The Time For Weakness -- "The health care plan put forth by Obama, based on the prior Senate bill, is so destructive on so many levels that it must be opposed without regard to political fallout."
"This Is a Career Ending Vote:" Reconciliation Tough in Senate, But Even Tougher in House--Update: 15-20 Votes Shy?
The President’s Health Summit Proposal: Rhetoric vs Reality
CNN Poll: 73% Say Either Start Health Care From Scratch or Stop Work On It Completely--More: GOP Asks Obama to Invite Abortion-Dissenter Stupak to Health Care Kabuki
Obamacare Summit: Rumble or Snoozefest?
House Leader Boehner Announces GOP Dream Team For Tomorrow’s Health Care Summit …Update: Sen. Snowe Turns Down Invite
More of the Same, Only More Expensive
The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
More On My Public Sector Fat Cat Obsession
State Tax Revenues Fall for Fifth Consecutive Quarter
BLS: "Mass" (at least 50) layoff events SURGED in January
President Obama’s “Pro-Business” Policies Are Killing the Free Market
CBO Report Was Pre-Ordained to Show the Stimulus Succeeded -- Garbage in, garbage out.
Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish--or Chinese--or Arabic--or all three?):
Preparing for the Worst: The United States won't bomb Iran, but another country might.
Did the bleat of the lamb excite the lion?
One Of Obama's Great Achievements May Be Unraveling
The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don't feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I've been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)