No Word today. I'm pretty much speechless. Well, except for the usual . . . Whips may be intermittent through the middle of next week, as I'll be off to the Summit League basketball tournament in beautiful Sioux Falls, South Dakota . . .
SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
American Pika Are Thriving in the Sierra Nevada and Southwestern Great Basin [*1]
Revenge of the Chickens [*2]
Animal rights "activists" want to cut Knut the polar bear's junk off! [*3]
*Yes, I know it's "animals," it's just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .
Passenger on cruise ship: Wave ordeal terrifying [*4]
Southwest passenger arrested for masturbating during flight [*5] -- Geez, dude, you could have waited to get to a DIA bathroom to join the Mile High Club, after all . . .
All Summit League games to be televised [*6] -- Conference tournament games, that is . . .
Baylor’s Griner suspended 1 game for punch [*7]
No control, no excuses for Griner [*8]
Field of 96 for NCAA Basketball a "done deal" [*9]
Science Fiction and Writing:
Why Strong Female Characters Are Bad for Women [*10]
The End of the End [*11]
Science, technology, and space:
Your best diet? It might be in your genes [*12] -- One size does not fit all--or--The U. S. Govenrment's "Food Pyramid" kills people . . . keep that in mind as you hyperventilate about those eeevil, obstructionist Republicans and those noble, well-intentioned Democrats . . . it ain't the Republicans who are trying to enact government "death panels" . . .
New China Space Milestone an Opening for the U.S. [*13]
Precursors of Life-Enabling Organic Molecules in Orion Nebula Unveiled by Herschel Space Observatory [*14]
If you blog unauthorized "Daily Show" or "Colbert" clips, Viacom will sue your ass [*15] -- Which should nicely serve to kill off interest in those shows . . .
It's official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs [*16] -- You'd think that folks would get a bit cautious about this "science is settled" stuff after a while . . .
Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Sarah Palin attends Oscar gift lounge with Willow and grandson Tripp [updated] [*17] -- Featuring lickspittled hatred in the comments from the usual know-nothing leftists . . .
Monkey on the loose in Tampa Bay area shakes off drug darts, evades captors for over a year [*18]
You can’t make this stuff up [*19]
Domestic Violence Lobbyist Guns Down Husband After Five Day Marriage [*20]
I'm So Ashamed of My Drinking That I Need a Drink [*21]
WE Are The World, You Will Be Forgotten… [*22] -- And it's still a terrible song . . .
SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
Five Reasons Sarah Palin’s Mark Burnet Deal Will Be the Most Brilliant Tactical Move in 21st Century Politics [*23]
Marco Rubio: This Country Today Is Being Run By People Who Don’t Believe in the Free Market System (Video) [*24]
Chris Wallace: Setting The Record Straight [*25]
Media pretty excited about Palin’s new “reality show” [*26] -- "it’s a “reality show” the way National Geographic specials are “reality shows.”. . ."
The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know--ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Austrian Economics and Classical Liberalism [*27]
The Second Amendment and the States [*28]
The Constitution Matters: It Means What It Says [*29] -- And the American people are fast acquiring a taste for explaining that subtle but important truth in exquisite detail to those in Washington who have hitherto failed to understand that . . .
Six Reasons to Downsize the Federal Government [*30] -- I can boil it down to one reason: Obey the Constitution, or get out of the way . . .
Keep Your Laws Off My Body: The case for legalizing drugs, prostitution, organ sales, and other consensual acts. -- Some of the most dangerous enemies of freedom are some of its biggest "allies" on the right . . .
Bring Back “Robber Barons” [*31] -- They were, after all, more honest than that crew running things in Washington today . . .
Guns for All, Privileges or Immunities for None: The hearings in McDonald v. Chicago promise an unrevolutionary victory—but still an important one [*32] -- All reports continue to indicate the need for remedial reading comprehension drills for the Supreme Court . . .
The reality of President Obama and his entire Administration as blithering idiots:
Obama's Malignant Narcissism [*33]
To Sir With Love [*34]
The More Obama Talks Health Care – The More It Sucks (Video) [*35]
The Science IS Settled…On Yucca Mountain [*36]
The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Dems at risk of decades in desert [*37]
At the end, quite a conundrum [*38] -- Hey, House Democrats! IT'S A TRAP!
Stupak: Maybe We'll Pass a Standalone Bill Forbidding Abortion in ObamaCare, and Then We Can Pass Obama's Bill [*39] -- Dear Bart: see above.
Can Gay Democrats Do No Wrong? [*40] - The "gay" part has nothing to do with it, of course . . .
The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
Question of the day: Does the GOP have enough balls? [*41] -- Their track record does not instill a great deal of hopeful enthusiasm, now does it?
Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
Chicago's Pointless Handgun Ban: Why draconian gun control laws never work [*42] -- "One problem is that the bans didn't actually have any discernible effect on the availability of guns to people with felonious intent."
We’re Missing a Check or Balance Somewhere [*43]
Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Beware of Government Bonds [*44]
Dronism [*45]
Celebrate Women’s History Month with a review of liberal misogyny [*46]
This is What Happens to Science Teaching in Government Schools [*47]
Fraudulent Tax Revenue Forecasts [*48] -- Leftists have a fundamentally flawed perception of economics and of human nature . . .
The Wrong Policy at the Wrong Time: The problem with the Value-Added Tax [*49]
How Can You Tell When a Source is Lying? [*50]
The Keith Olbermann Memorial "Special Comment" on blithering idiots in the Media:
Hate Speech on MSNBC: A Mix [*51]
Breaking: Is John Roberts about to resign from the Supreme Court? Update: Drudge source: “News to me”; Update: Radar retracts [*52] -- Our random "stupid story from a hitherto unknown Internet "news" source" of the day . . .
Does the WaPo need a Congressional scorecard? [*53] -- Nope. No bias there at all. Just straight-up, impartial, unbiased reporting. Yup, yup, yup. Anybody want to buy this bridge?
SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Doctor Gore: a good idea? – poll disagrees [*54] -- Epic fail from the University of Tennessee . . .
CRUTEM3 “…code did not adhere to standards one might find in professional software engineering” [*55]
NSIDC Confirms WUWT Ice Forecast [*56] -- WTF? TANSTAAFL. ROFLMAO! TTFN.
Snowball Earth: New Evidence Hints at Global Glaciation 716.5 Million Years Ago [*57] -- Due, no doubt, to global warming. And George W. Bush.
Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Stupak: 12 previous health bill supporters could flip over abortion [*58]
Government health care—whether you want it or not [*59]
Obama’s market defying “magic” health care reform proposal [*60]
Scott Brown on Obama’s Health Care Plan: The People Don’t Want This Political Chicanery (Video) [*61]
Worrying about Obamacare [*62]
Is reconciliation the biggest problem in ObamaCare push? [*63]
The Same Rotten Rx [*64] -- "It is a plan that says the government knows best — when it comes to a sixth of the US economy and some of the most important, personal and private decisions in people's lives. A few cosmetic concessions can't fix that basic premise."
Nomentum: Another Progressive Mulls Flipping From "Yes" to "No" [*65]
Awesome: GOP congressman to delay resignation so he can vote no on ObamaCare; Update: Another Dem flipping to no? [*66]
Nomentum V: No Vote Touted by AP as Possible Flip to "Yes" Now Comes Down With Nomentum Fever [*67]
Nomentum VI: Yes Vote Now Says, "Gee, Guys, I Don't Know, All the Cool Kids Are Voting for Nomentum" [*68]
It begins: House Dems backing away from Obama’s deadline for ObamaCare [*69]
Howard Dean: Obamacare Hangs Out to Dry “Every Democrat Who’s Running For Office” [*70] -- Yeah, that sounds like a
wonderful plan . . .
Reader's Observation: If the House Passes the Senate Bill, the Senate Will Screw Them Over and Change Nothing Via Reconciliation, or Any Other Mechanism [*71] -- Because . . . wait for it . . . IT'S A TRAP!!!
Theory of the day: Obama will stab the House in the back by abandoning reconciliation after they pass the Senate bill [*72] -- See above . . .
Obama comforts House liberals: Don’t worry, this bill is just the beginning of what we’ll do with health care [*73] -- I feel dirty even watching this wretched, horrifying political power play unfold . . .
Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish--or Chinese--or Arabic--or all three?):
Who’ll go under the bus? [*74]
"The most interesting political phenomenon in Europe" [*75] -- "Geert Wilders is currently the most interesting political phenomenon in Europe."
The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don't feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I've been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)