Morning Whip, Mar. 24, 2010
- Wednesday, March 24 2010 @ 01:48 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 2,133
And, once again, the definition of "blithering idiotry" for the purposes of the Whip:
1) believing you know better than someone else how they should run their lives, and
2) acting on that belief, almost always to the ultimate detriment of that other person, not to mention the corruption of your own soul in the process.
Now, in the This Is Not Anything Political, Thank God department:
Dog Sings Lullaby to Stop Baby From Crying
Good dog. SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Chesapeake veteran says attack by his service monkey was worse than combat -- Bad monkey.
Great Apes Know They Could Be Wrong -- Which, apparently, proves that people on the left are not evolved from apes, I guess . . .
Canadian border guards to check iPods for infringment -- AMD laptops. Hilarity will ensue.
Q&A: Continental marketing chief talks about presence in West Coast, Hawaii
Self reflects on disappointing end to KU’s season-- "“I’ve been to the NCAA Tournament 12 years in a row,” Self said, “and I think 10 of them have ended on the last possession one way or another." "
Science Fiction and Writing:
What I Do When I Get Stuck -- "Usually what’s happened when I get stuck is that I’ve lost perspective; I’m in too close to the story to see all the strands in the knot I’ve created."
The Craft of Writing: Every Character Has A Story -- "memorable minor characters feel as if they have wandered on-stage while pursuing quite another tale, one in which they are the heroes."
World-Building Week: Putting up the Walls
Science, technology, and space:
Are Hand Sanitizers Better Than Handwashing Against the Common Cold?
Scientists find how relaxed minds remember better
Fusion's ups and downs
Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Hour of exercise may be too much for busy U.S. women
Curry ingredient shows promise against liver damage
Hollywood’s Broke Part 6: Fixing Television
Palin about to close deal on travelogue show for Discovery
SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally, blitheringly idiotic):
GOP to Dems: Will you join us in voting to ban Viagra for sex offenders? -- "Everyone get the joke here? If the Dems amend the reconciliation bill for any reason, they have to send it back to the House for yet another vote. So anything the GOP proposes — anything — they’re basically bound to vote no on. And Coburn knows it. One tasty shinola sandwich, coming up!"
Democratic incumbents running behind in Obama's home state
Why I'm registering as a Republican -- You're going to see a lot of this. People just quietly going about their business, preparing to clobber the Democrat donkey with a 2X4 this November. And The Democrats still don't realize what's coming for them.
How We Fight Back
Census 2010 – The American Race
Commonsense Conservatives
An American Liberal Reviews Karl Rove’s Account of the Iraq War -- "Chapter 21 of Rove’s book – “Bush Was Right on Iraq” – sets the record straight. It is a thorough account of what really happened in the months leading up to the war."
Resisting ObamaCare, Gandhi Style: Americans will lose control over basic decisions if this law stands.
Farewell To the Legalized, Government-Supported Mafia Known as ACORN -- Hannah Giles takes a victory lap . . .
Who's in the Tea Party movement?
A Quinnipiac poll:
74 percent are Republicans or independent voters leaning Republican;More women than men. Surprising?
16 percent are Democrats or independent voters leaning Democratic;
5 percent are solidly independent;
45 percent are men;
55 percent are women;
88 percent are white;
77 percent voted for Sen. John McCain in 2008;
15 percent voted for President Barack Obama
The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know--ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Is the tax power infinite? -- Well, if you're a Democrat, the answer is "Obviously, yes."
Politics, otherwise difficult to classify:
Winning Washington, Losing America -- "Seven months is a long time in politics."
The reality of President Obama and his entire Administration as blithering idiots:
Barack Obama: A Constitutional Professor In Alinsky Tactics
Error of big government, it’s back!
The reality of Obamacare: Obama and the Democratic leadership have nationalized healthcare by proxy. -- Don't miss the mindless, vitriolic, intolerant leftist hate in the comments . . .
Obama’s SecEd manipulated school lists to favor powerful
Obama: A Domestic LBJ?
Mad Magazine Notices That Obama Is Unpopular
The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Barney Frank: Republicans Are Just Like Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide (Video)
Durbin: Taxing capital just the cost of having the “America we want”
Rep. Conyers Discovers New Clause In Constitution, More Than 200 Years Later -- It's not really a shock to me, at least, to know that one of the leading Congressional Democrats appears to have absolutely no clue about what's in the Constitution. You know--the Constitution? The one he swore to defend every two years since he's been elected to the House? That one?
Ace of Spades Exclusive: Yesterday Representatives Lewis and Clyburn Followed Me Into a Pathmark and Started Calling Me a Wog -- "And Oh: That Tea Party guy didn't spit in anyone's face. The charge has changed to state that the man "allowed saliva to hit my face" -- i.e., he was yelling and saliva sprayed out as it tends to do." Democrats lie. It's just what they do.
Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) finally cornered, admits not reading bill -- But see, that's OK, because he's not running for re-election and besides, he's a Democrat, so he doesn't have to know what's in a bill.
The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
Cornyn's Stupid Statement: We'll Kinda-Sorta Repeal Some of ObamaCare, Maybe -- "He's claiming he was misquoted, in fairness, but I kinda don't believe him."
Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
Krugman Embarrasses Himself, Again -- "If Krugman knew anything about history, he would know that his fabrication made no sense, since Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act more heavily than Democrats. But Krugman is both too ignorant to be aware of that well-known fact, and too lazy to look it up."
A funny thing happened when I said "hi" to a nice family dog -- "Power seeking is what activists do. It is very difficult for ordinary people to grasp what they're up against, because they tend to assume good faith."
James Cameron Calls Glenn Beck Out: Let’s Debate You ‘F—ing A–hole’ -- "Uh, oh, James Cameron’s angry and you know how James gets when he’s angry… Stupid" . . .
Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
How to Fight the Hollywood Left’s Fighting Words
The racist & anti-gay Tea Parties in left-wingers’ minds
Culture Wars for as Far as the Eye Can See -- "The Left, since the 1960s, has been the aggressor in the culture war. Liberals often object when conservatives point this out, but they brag about it amongst themselves."
The Establishment Is Offended -- Dear Establishment: People are reaching the point where they simply don't care about your strategic, selective "outrage" any more. So stick it where the sun don't shine, bucko.
On The Streets Of Chicago: ‘People Wanted Change, This Is Change. They Need To Shut Up.’
Saul Alinsky's interest in excrement and (bizarrely racial) flatulence
The Keith Olbermann Memorial "Special Comment" on blithering idiots in the Media:
MEDIA FRAUD– More Proof That the Leftist Media Lied About Racist Attacks On Black Reps While They Ignored Vulgar Attacks By Lib Politicians
NY Times Praises Marxist Redistribution of Wealth in Obamacare
SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Temperatures rising: In climate-change discussions, two Princeton professors go against the grain
Why Joe Bastardi sees red: A look at Sea Ice and GISTEMP and starting choices -- "If it is (so) darn warm, how come there is so much sea ice?"
Reforming health care and freeing it from the (usually) well-intended tyranny of the blithering idiots in government:
Rep. McCotter: “So This is What Change Looks Like?… Obama’s Hope & Change Has Degenerated Into Tax & Hate” (Video)
Senate Republicans Highlight the Disaster That Is Obamacare
Legal Action and Political Action as a Two-Track Strategy for Opposing Obamacare
Tea partiers vow revenge over health overhaul -- Democrats: You will not be forgiven.
13 States, 2 Lawsuits Against Health Care Bill
Reconciliation Bill Adds Even More Taxes
Don't Buy It: The crazy constitutional logic of the individual insurance mandate
Dem Rep. Dingell Admits: Obamacare “Will Eventually Control the People” -- ". . . it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people." Nice. Very, very nice. How do you people who voted for Democrats feel about one of your favorite party's senior Congressmen planning and plotting to control you? Are you good with that? Really?
Audio: Rep. John Dingell on How Long it Took “To Control the People” -- I understand that Dingell is trying to "walk back" what he said. But facts are stubborn things, and he said what he said. Evidence at hand indicates that he means exactly what he said, even though he now realizes it is not a good thing to admit to the rubes--er--the voting public.
Is Mandatory Dieting and Exercise Next? -- Well, it does take a long time to control the people, you know . . .
The Special Interests Who Heart Obamacare
Ooops, Found A Mistake In The Health Care Bill! First In What Will No Doubt Be A Long Series--Updated: You Know, This Whole Thing Might Not Work -- It might almost be funny, if it weren't for all of those 16,000 IRS agents with guns who are about to be hired to enforce the damn thing . . .
Democratic Pollster on Health Care: "We need to go out and sell this plan and sell it aggressively." -- Uh . . . sure . . . "We've rammed this piece of crap straight up everyone's poop chutes, now we have to go out and convince them that it's a good thing" . . . yeah, that will work out well, I'm sure . . .
CBS: Poll bump still shows ObamaCare opposed by plurality after passage -- Now that the target has finally stopped moving, the heavy fire can now begin. This thing will never be more popular than it is now, as more facts--more landmines--are discovered in the over 2,000 pages of dense, opaque legislative text, that nobody who was for it (including and especially Obama) actually understands, and most who voted for it never even read. The Democrats are whistling past the graveyard if they think otherwise.
Hey, Kids! How’s That Hope&Change Workin’ For Ya? -- "Comes news today that his Stalinization of Health Care Act of 2010 actually doesn’t cover children with pre-existing conditions after all."
Uninsured People Do Things, So They Should Be Punished
Video: Will ObamaCare drive businesses out of providing health insurance? -- "In a word, yes" . . .
Spin Harder!
Three Reasons Health Care Reform Won’t Cut The Deficit By One Thin Dime. But Will Add Massively to it.
Repeal and Replace — but First Reveal -- "There are racial preferences, taxes galore, mandates on restaurants, and more yet to be fully revealed." There are plenty of "other shoes" in this monstrosity yet to be dropped. It ain't over by a long shot. Those who passed this will not be forgiven.
Federal Health Spending -- "When describing spending growth in federal programs, I often need to use words like “soaring” and “explosive.” But growth in federal health spending is almost beyond superlatives to describe it, and it will increase even faster as a result of President Obama’s new health legislation."
Why Does 'Catheter' Come to Mind When I Read About This Medical Device Tax? -- All that now stands between you and a tampon tax is the whim of the Secretary of Health and Human Services . . . I hope all of you who voted for Democrats really, really enjoy this newfangled "government of men, not of laws" thing. And don't make me laugh with any objection that such whims might be unpopular. We already know what Democrats in power think about popular opinion. Enjoy your well-intentioned fascism, everyone.
How Many Employers Will Stop Providing Health Insurance?
The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Poll: 79% fear U.S. economy could collapse
The More We See, the Less We Like
If borrowing and deficit spending are “the answer”, why don’t the bond markets agree? -- "Moody, who is usually slow to move on these sorts of ratings, couldn’t be more clear in the warning it has issued to the US – yeah, that’s right, not Cuba, not Venezuela, but to the United States of America" . . .
Jobs Bill Actually Expands the Welfare State
Folgers Plant To Close, About 200 To Lose Their Jobs -- And downtown Kansas City will no longer smell like coffee . . . which is either bad, or good, depending on whether or not you like the smell of fresh-roasted coffee . . .
Black farmers $1.25 billion deal may fall through
Krauthammer: Get ready for the VAT debate
Big Government Has Never Been Bigger! -- "Keep in mind Arizona State economics professor William Boyes has estimated that the government already owns or controls about one-third of U.S. economic activity through the takeover of General Motors, the partial ownership of two of the country’s largest banks in Bank of America and Citigroup, and the seizure of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as AIG. Combine those two numbers, and we’re looking at roughly half of the U.S. economy."
Argentina: A cautionary tale? -- They're coming for your private retirement accounts next, you know . . .
Durable Goods Orders Rise Slightly Less than Expected
TARP watchdog blasts Obama housing program
New home sales fall over 2% in February, hits record low -- "For the second straight day, a wire service has managed to eschew the word “unexpectedly” when reporting bad news" . . .
The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don't feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I've been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)