Evening Whip, May 8, 2010
- Saturday, May 08 2010 @ 06:38 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 3,914
Democratic Leader Al Sharpton: “The Dream Is to Make Everything Equal in Everybody’s House” (Video)
Royals notebook: Ka’aihue says improved mind-set fueled surge
The long and the short of it -- writing . . .
Re-Write Wednesday: I Had to Do This
Fake It Til You Make It -- writing . . .
Flag semiotics and the First Amendment at school -- "Yes, the school administrators who made this decision should be fired, and replaced by people who understand their job." My thoughts exactly. Blacklisting Ideas: Hollywood’s Red (State) Scare -- "Ladies and Gentlemen, let me turn your attention to a worse case of rampant bigotry, phobia and persecution. I am referring of course to the New Red Scare… Hollywood’s rampant hate mongering of the Red States and Middle America."
Massachusetts town bans bottled water -- "More nanny state fascism in the name of the environment, this time at a local level:"
The Problem with Title II Reclassification of the Internet in a Picture -- "If the agency rolls back the regulatory clock in this fashion, it will be a huge step backwards for innovation, investment, and quality . . ."
SecDef To Navy: We Need To Have The
Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’ -- And by "our" he means 'we arrogant, know-nothing authoritarian redistributionist collectivist neo-socialist betters and masters, but don't dare call us any of that because if you do you're a racist.'
Mosquito repellant no longer repels mosquitos -- DEET not repelling mosquitos that carry yellow fever. This is not good news.
Everything Man-Made (Except Cell Phones) Gives You Cancer, Says Presidential Cancer Panel -- The answer is obvious: blow everything up, except the cell phone towers. And the iPhones, of course. How power will get to the cell phone towers is not known at this time, but presumably the boffins at MIT or Stanford will suss that out in due time. Odd, however, that life expectancy continues to increase, isn't it?
The one-sided war against Wall Street -- "Does Wall Street have come culpability in the financial meltdown we suffered? Of course they do. But so far, Democrats have chosen to focus only on that and ignore the culpability shared to an even larger degree by government." People should be lining up to tar and feather Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, and hooting Bill Clinton down at every public appearance he makes, if they really want to get at who's responsible. But first, they need to take a long, serious look at the person in their morning bathroom mirror to complete the list of culprits in this sorry episode. Everbody's greed and power lust made this happen. We are all responsible. Ripping our financial system apart will just exacerbate the mistakes we've already made.
The Neanderthal in Us -- Neanderthal Genome Sequenced -- "It turns out that many of us whose ancestors hail from Europe or Asia carry genes from Neanderthals." Grog Want Bacon!
The Secret History of Anything You'd Like -- Humans are exceptionally skilled at identifying patterns out of the things that they observe. Some of these patterns actually represent reality. Many of them, to our lasting sorrow and frustration, do not. It is a special gift to be able to tell the difference between the two--that fine edge separating skepticism from cynicism from paranoia.
Failed States: After a long spending binge, governors go begging for a handout. It won't be their last. -- A Reason Magazine hit from 2009.
Let's Shake It Up In California -- Palin endorses Carly Fiorina for California U.S. Senator, using a possibly unfortunate turn of phrase.
Handle these numbers with care -- Glimmers of hope at the Kansas City Royals' AA minor league affiliate . . .
Breaking: Obama Administration Removed Faisal Shahzad From Terror Surveillance List Before Attack …Update: Faisal Had Contact with Awlaki, the Taliban Chief, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind -- If true, the question is: How does the government decide who to take off of the no-fly list?
Royals notebook: Ka’aihue says improved mind-set fueled surge
The long and the short of it -- writing . . .
Re-Write Wednesday: I Had to Do This
Fake It Til You Make It -- writing . . .
Flag semiotics and the First Amendment at school -- "Yes, the school administrators who made this decision should be fired, and replaced by people who understand their job." My thoughts exactly. Blacklisting Ideas: Hollywood’s Red (State) Scare -- "Ladies and Gentlemen, let me turn your attention to a worse case of rampant bigotry, phobia and persecution. I am referring of course to the New Red Scare… Hollywood’s rampant hate mongering of the Red States and Middle America."
Massachusetts town bans bottled water -- "More nanny state fascism in the name of the environment, this time at a local level:"
The Problem with Title II Reclassification of the Internet in a Picture -- "If the agency rolls back the regulatory clock in this fashion, it will be a huge step backwards for innovation, investment, and quality . . ."
SecDef To Navy: We Need To Have The
Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’ -- And by "our" he means 'we arrogant, know-nothing authoritarian redistributionist collectivist neo-socialist betters and masters, but don't dare call us any of that because if you do you're a racist.'
Mosquito repellant no longer repels mosquitos -- DEET not repelling mosquitos that carry yellow fever. This is not good news.
Everything Man-Made (Except Cell Phones) Gives You Cancer, Says Presidential Cancer Panel -- The answer is obvious: blow everything up, except the cell phone towers. And the iPhones, of course. How power will get to the cell phone towers is not known at this time, but presumably the boffins at MIT or Stanford will suss that out in due time. Odd, however, that life expectancy continues to increase, isn't it?
The one-sided war against Wall Street -- "Does Wall Street have come culpability in the financial meltdown we suffered? Of course they do. But so far, Democrats have chosen to focus only on that and ignore the culpability shared to an even larger degree by government." People should be lining up to tar and feather Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, and hooting Bill Clinton down at every public appearance he makes, if they really want to get at who's responsible. But first, they need to take a long, serious look at the person in their morning bathroom mirror to complete the list of culprits in this sorry episode. Everbody's greed and power lust made this happen. We are all responsible. Ripping our financial system apart will just exacerbate the mistakes we've already made.
The Neanderthal in Us -- Neanderthal Genome Sequenced -- "It turns out that many of us whose ancestors hail from Europe or Asia carry genes from Neanderthals." Grog Want Bacon!
The Secret History of Anything You'd Like -- Humans are exceptionally skilled at identifying patterns out of the things that they observe. Some of these patterns actually represent reality. Many of them, to our lasting sorrow and frustration, do not. It is a special gift to be able to tell the difference between the two--that fine edge separating skepticism from cynicism from paranoia.
Failed States: After a long spending binge, governors go begging for a handout. It won't be their last. -- A Reason Magazine hit from 2009.
Let's Shake It Up In California -- Palin endorses Carly Fiorina for California U.S. Senator, using a possibly unfortunate turn of phrase.
Handle these numbers with care -- Glimmers of hope at the Kansas City Royals' AA minor league affiliate . . .
Breaking: Obama Administration Removed Faisal Shahzad From Terror Surveillance List Before Attack …Update: Faisal Had Contact with Awlaki, the Taliban Chief, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind -- If true, the question is: How does the government decide who to take off of the no-fly list?