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Morning Whip, May 10, 2010

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Oh the Irony: "America is Back!," Baby, But The Magazine Proclaiming This Just Might Go Out of Business -- Newsweek magazine, circling the drain . . .

Nuance: 31% of Birthers approve of Obama’s job performance -- "Enjoy this now because it’s straight down the memory hole tomorrow."

The unintended but foreseeable consequences of Obamacare
Two of the industries that traditionally offer work to members of these groups are leisure/hospitality and retail. As Furchtgott-Roth explains, many of these employers do not provide their employees with health insurance, and both sectors have large percentages of part-time workers. Obamacare threatens to raise costs in these sectors because every employer with more than 50 workers will either have to offer health insurance or pay an annual penalty of $2,000 per worker. For part-timers, employers will pay $2,000 for each "full-time equivalent worker," a block of 30 weekly hours of part-time work by the same or different employees. Employers thus have a strong incentive not to employ more than 50 workers. By avoiding that threshold, they won't have to provide health insurance and will gain a cost advantage over competitors.

See? All it takes is a rudimentary, passing acquaintance with the very, very simple-to-comprehend economic law of supply and demand--of the balancing of demand and supply against a price point.

Here's the basic theory:
If you raise the price of something, people will consume less of it. If you lower the price of something, people will consume more of it.

Now, here's the leap of logic which seems to escape Democrats:
Business owners are people.

They make decisions based on what is best--financially--for their companies.

Obamacare raises the cost of hiring people. Therefore, businesses will inevitably do less of it.

Too simple and straightforward for those wise and wonderful Ivy-League-educated Democrats in Washington to get their minds around, I guess. APNewsBreak: Series of failures led to rig blast

Video: Rick Sanchez’s “Anchorman” moment

Judge’s Ruling a Victory for Hutaree and Free Speech -- "Do not be misled; the Hutaree case is all about the limits of your first amendment right to free speech — specifically, your right to be free from imprisonment for engaging in political speech that others find offensive and dangerous. However, “free speech” is not the only liberty-based value at stake; the age-old right to bail has been attacked by the government, who have sought to keep the Hutaree members incarcerated until trial."

Steele cleans house: RNC fires finance director and deputy -- It's about time Steele did something productive and useful, rather than stabbing his political party (and employer) repeatedly in the back, which has been his main activity in recent months . . .

Is Paul Krugman, the Doctor, America's Most Politicized Economist? -- Wait, what? Krugman is an economist? Like supply-and-demand kind of economist? Or "no, really, governments can borrow and/or print all the money they want, it will all work out because you see we're smarter than you are, you dim fools!" kind of "economist?"

Why did Newsweek fail? -- Yeah, I have to admit, Ace really, REALLY toasted Newsweek . . . and liberals/leftists, generally. The truth hurts, don't it?

Brutal: Arizona governor’s ad hammers Obama on immigration -- This is what it looks like when a U.S. President is absolutely, positively schooled by a sitting State Governor:

We observe once again that there is a qualitative difference in experience gained by being the governor of a State of the Union, and being a "community organizer. Would that a majority of American voters in 2008 have realized this before they elected Barack Hussein Mistake.

Hammering Small Business -- Wherein Obama and the Democrats take yet another whack at businesses, large--and especially small (from CNN via TaxProf):
Section 9006 of the health care bill -- just a few lines buried in the 2,409-page document -- mandates that beginning in 2012 all companies will have to issue 1099 tax forms not just to contract workers but to any individual or corporation from which they buy more than $600 in goods or services in a tax year.

The stealth change radically alters the nature of 1099s and means businesses will have to issue millions of new tax documents each year.
Emphasis mine. If Democrats didn't lie (and they do), the "health care" bill would have been titled "We Democrats Are Hell-Bent On Absolutely Killing Any Chance Of Significant Job Or Economy Growth For The Foreseeable Future Because We're Just Better People Than You Are And Don't You Forget It Bill."

Clean, green and expensive as hell -- Because Democrats, "Progressives," and leftists in general are utterly illiterate when it comes to basic economics . . .

Men of Iron and Steel -- "Iron Man is the most perfectly American superhero, next to Captain America, whose own movie is on the way. The armored avatar of resourcefulness and ingenuity, Tony Stark does what capitalists always do, in the long run: create incredible possibilities, far beyond the narrow vision of politicians with constituencies to appease. He understands that no one else can lift the burden of responsibility from his shoulders, and he’ll be damned before he lets anyone take it by force."

Interesting Idea: On May 11th, everyone demand free admittance and free food at the Arizona Suns game -- Ooh. I like it.

Obama touts healthcare in new bid to ease doubts -- Still out there, tossing the same old, tired, broken, failed, discredited bag of "progressive" New Deal crap onto the front porches of America. Heckofa job, Barry.

Jackrabbits rally past Oral Roberts -- Friday, baseball.

The Trouble With Tulips -- "It was an income transfer from the half of American society that paid taxes to the other half that didn’t. Except that it didn’t take the form of a tax. It was nothing so overt. Instead it assumed the guise of a guarantee that allowed Fannie and Freddie access to cheap money, putting the taxpayer on the hook in case things went bad. It was hidden contingent tax. And what do you know? Despite Barney Frank’s assurances that “houses ain’t tulips”, history proved not for the first time, that housing bubbles can in fact exist. And now the taxpayers are on the hook, in part from his misjudgment."

Gallup: No one really cares about SCOTUS pick’s gender, ethnicity, or religion -- My only criterion is: Do you, Potential Supreme Court Justice, think that the plain words of the Constitution mean exactly what they say--as any citizen who has been well-grounded in the founding principles of this country would understand those words--or not? Yes, or no?" An unambiguous and unqualified "yes" answer means that person is an acceptable Supreme Court candidate. Any other answer, including any kind of qualification, vacillation, or "interpretation" of those words means that person is utterly, completely, totally unqualified for any judgeship at any level, from municipal traffic court on up all the way to the Supreme Court. No exceptions. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. The Constitution does not belong to the Supreme Court. It belongs to the People. We, the People have always reserved the right to enforce the Constitution directly, or through the several States, if the various branches of the Federal Government are not equal to that task.

Venus Envy -- "Venus has long been the CO2 bogeyman of climate science. In my last piece about Venus I laid out arguments against the claim that it is a runaway greenhouse which makes Venus hot. This generated a lot of discussion. I’m not going to review that discussion, but instead will pose a few ideas which should make the concepts clear to almost everybody."

Rights Double-Talk -- The word, "rights," does not mean what the leftist/"progressives" want it to mean. But then, "progressive" does not mean what the "progressives" want it to mean. "Progressive" means an obsolete, late 19th-Century, top-down, command-economy approach to economic planning. It is utterly incapable of dealing with the modern complexities of today's economy. But the "progressives" have a hammer called "government," and to them everything looks like a nail.

Confirmed: Barney Frank Played Major Role in Financial Collapse & Is Still Pushing His Dangerous Agenda on America -- If you want to blame one person for the current finanacial mess, that person would likely be Barney Frank. If you want to blame two, you could throw in Bill Clinton. But a lot of people contributed to this current mess.