In The News: An Independence Whip, July 3, 2010
- Saturday, July 03 2010 @ 06:22 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 2,672
Elena Kagan: Well, That Looks Like My Handwriting On That Memo, But Gee I Don't Know What You're Talking About -- And with this, I come to the point where I do not believe I would trust this woman to walk my dog, let alone be a justice of the Supreme Court . . .
Sen. Coburn: Kagan 'Ignorant' of Constitutional Principles; 'I Wouldn't Rule Out a Filibuster' -- Actually, the Republicans' actually going ahead, finding some cojones, and shutting Washington down for the rest of the year would probably set off an economic boom all by itself . . . Breitbart's big $100k
And, here's Glenn Reynolds' thoughts on the Breitbart bounty on the Journolist e-mails. -- As Tigerhawk notes, the Instapundit has an "impish" sense of humor . . .
The perfect as the enemy of the good
CBO: Deficit To Reach 62% This Year; But Don't Fear, It Will Stabilize At 67%
NRC Shuts Down Obama Administration’s Attempt to Close Yucca -- A victory of common sense over Obama-driven "progressive" political posturing?
Shock: Sotomayor Lied In Her Confirmation To Appease Republicans -- If true, wouldn't this constitute perjury?
Is It Constitutional? Well, It's Dumb, but That's Not the Same Thing. All Right Then.
Video: Tony LaRussa endorses Arizona immigration effort
IRS Fails Government Audit
Confirmed: Russian spies really, really dumb -- But what if (cue ominous music) these buffoons were not the real spies? (cue crescendo) . . .
Boehner Punk-slaps POTUS
Sen. Coburn: Kagan 'Ignorant' of Constitutional Principles; 'I Wouldn't Rule Out a Filibuster' -- Actually, the Republicans' actually going ahead, finding some cojones, and shutting Washington down for the rest of the year would probably set off an economic boom all by itself . . . Breitbart's big $100k
And, here's Glenn Reynolds' thoughts on the Breitbart bounty on the Journolist e-mails. -- As Tigerhawk notes, the Instapundit has an "impish" sense of humor . . .
The perfect as the enemy of the good
CBO: Deficit To Reach 62% This Year; But Don't Fear, It Will Stabilize At 67%
NRC Shuts Down Obama Administration’s Attempt to Close Yucca -- A victory of common sense over Obama-driven "progressive" political posturing?
Shock: Sotomayor Lied In Her Confirmation To Appease Republicans -- If true, wouldn't this constitute perjury?
Is It Constitutional? Well, It's Dumb, but That's Not the Same Thing. All Right Then.
Video: Tony LaRussa endorses Arizona immigration effort
IRS Fails Government Audit
Confirmed: Russian spies really, really dumb -- But what if (cue ominous music) these buffoons were not the real spies? (cue crescendo) . . .
Boehner Punk-slaps POTUS