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The Whip, July 14, 2010

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The truth on domestic violence just isn’t sexy enough -- Including this gem of a final paragraph, which could well apply to most "issues of the day" raised by Old Media:
Why do these myths persist? Because they make great copy and because there is something mesmerizing about a statistic that freezes journalistic brains, especially when the statistics bolster common cultural biases or trends. And one especially pejorative but persisting cultural trend is the impunity with which all men can be demonized. The moral of these hoaxes is to view statistics that paint a negative picture of unusually high numbers of men with deep suspicion.

Emphasis mine. What you hear from the Old Media is, more often than not, a carefully selected subset of what happened, presented in an astonishingly slanted, biased way to favor one set of policy prescriptions (generally "progressive") and breathlessly presented with a desperate "the sky is falling!" breathlessness. (Sometimes it's not even necessary for something to happen--it's enough for somebody, somewhere to say that something happened--like for instance Congressmen being verbally abused or intentionally spit on, on the Capitol Steps) . . . America loses faith in Obama

A decade of spiraling deficits -- Turns out that it never was the deficits that the Democrats in Washington were worried about--it was that fact that they were only spiraling upwards, rather than shooting straight up like a rocket.

Power & Light District will need big subsidies from city -- I'm shocked, shocked that another government "economic development" program hasn't worked, won't work, and will suck the blood out of the public coffers until somebody has the gumption to pluck it off . . .

Cory Doctorow: What I Do -- Possibly way too much information on the technology used by this author . . .

Two Polls Show Democrats Out of Touch with Mood of Country

Backwards on civil rights

Pakistan ISI behind Mumbai attacks: India official -- Something needs to be done about the ISI . . .

President Obama, White House: Al Qaeda Is Racist -- See, they're setting up the argument that the Tea Parties are the equivalent of Al Qaeda--both of them are RAAAAACIST! Just watch . . . somebody on the left will try this, now that the NAACP and the White House have teed up the argument . . .

If Tea Partiers = Racist, and Terrorists = Racist, then Tea Partiers = Terrorists? -- And I'm not the only one who thinks it's a plausible idea . . .

Congressman: WH directive to NASA confirmed

Economics Is … Easy

I Condemn the NAACP: Screaming ‘Racism’ Discredits the Organization -- by Ak'Bar A. Shabazz who, if you can believe the picture beside his byline, has a rather high skin melanin content . . .

If It Takes A Village, Did We Have To Start With The Idiot? -- It's for stuff like this that I put Dan Riehl's "Riehl World View" blog into my RSS feed . . .

Careful Reading Tuesday -- As we watch a lie--or perhaps more accurately a "misstatement" travel around the world before the truth gets its boots on . . .

Justice Department Continues to Act in Non-Race-Neutral Fashion -- If this policy has been approved by President Obama, does it rise to the level of an impeachable offense? If you do the "if it were a Republican" thought experiment I think you will find that it might very well do so . . .

Big Runaway Toyota Surprise: Drivers, Not Electronics, at Fault -- There always was something odd and way-too-convenient about the Federal government's jihad against Toyota at exactly the same time it was trying to keep GM from circling the drain . . .

Tea party to NAACP: 'Grow up' -- I think this is an appropriate response, quite honestly . . .

Darwinian Liberalism
In 1860, liberalism meant classical liberalism — the moral and political tradition of individual liberty understood as the right of individuals to be free from coercion so long as they respected the equal liberty of others. According to the liberals, the primary aim of government was to secure individual rights from force and fraud, which included enforcing laws of contract and private property. They thought the moral and intellectual character of human beings was properly formed not by governmental coercion, but in the natural and voluntary associations of civil society.

‘The NAACP is now a political arm of the White House’

Time for Obama to make sacrifices

Florida may have Arizona-like anti-illegal immigration law by August

It's Not "Just the Economy, Stupid" This Time

It's Beginning To Feel Like August 2009, Again

Obama’s Katrina -- Rut-roh, Raggy . . .

Islam: Unmentionable in D.C. -- Islam: The Voldamort of religions? I'm not sure that's where they wanted to go with this . . .

Is a Massive Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda Machine Really a Good Idea? -- I'm thinking of a two-letter answer that begins with "N" and ends with "o." Actually, the entire phrase appends a "HELL" before the "NO!" Separation of Press and State!

Let’s Make Journalism Fair and Balanced — Just Like the Universities!

Rewrites: The Magical Solution

The Narrative of our "National Conversation" is "SHUT UP!"

NAACP had no business condemning tea partiers -- Yes, racists exist. Yes, there are some who attend Tea Party events. There are also some who attend NAACP events. The only thing the NAACP has done is sabotage any reasonable discussion of individual equality and liberty, and further marginalized the very term "racism."

CBS Poll: 74% Like Arizona's War Or Think It Doesn't Go Far Enough

Pawlenty Schools the Democrats

Election looms for Democrats: How bad can it be? -- Sadly, not as bad as they deserve. After all, at least one Democrat will probably win election to Congress. They don't deserve even that, given that political party's overall performance the past few years.

Challenging schedule awaits SDSU women -- Go Rabbits!

Obama Administration On Why It Also Doesn't Sue Sanctuary Cities For Having Policies In Direct Conflict With Federal Law: But That's Different, Somehow -- I have a feeling this will show up somewhere in Arizona's defense arguments against the Federal suit . . .

NBC and CBS Nix ground zero mosque ad, and not without good reason