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Rutgers, Religion, Washington, Wasilla

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Kevin DuJan, of Hillbuzz and Conservatives4Palin, writes an intensely personal meditation on the recent tragic suicide of the Rutgers college student, life as a gay conservative, and what has happened and is still happening in this country:

You can get the facts of what happened anywhere, and all sorts of other sites are covering the legal issues involved, both for the students who betrayed their “friend” like this and for Rutgers, if any liability exists for the school at all. I’m not going to wade into all of this because none of that’s in my area of expertise, if I even have one of those. But, I can tell you what it’s like to be young and gay and attacked and betrayed and on the edge of cashing it all in because I just didn’t want to live another day.

Dotting that last period right there, I had a flash of “oh, not again” because whenever I write personally to you about anything — but most particularly about being gay and conservative — I get absolutely assaulted from all imaginable sides…like a skinny little kid in gym class playing dodgeball with sadists.

There’s a particularly malicious gay blog in New York run by a guy named Joe who likes linking here and making fun of anything we say supporting conservatism (because he’s of the mindset that all gays must be Leftists, and he’s taken on the personal mission to pound what he calls “quislings” into pulp…where I firmly believe he only knows that word because someone slipped a word-of-the-day calendar into a swag bag at some charity event he went to for the free buffet). I pray for him to find wisdom, peace, and purpose some day and will leave it at that.

The same Republicans who don’t like that I’m gay will leave their snarky bits in the spam filter, and then they’ll succumb to Clinton Derangement Syndrome and lash out with that for awhile too (because apparently we can take down Iran’s nuclear program with an ingenious computer virus but we can’t cure CDS in our lifetime).

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It's long, but read the whole thing.