When you're too lazy/otherwise occupied to actually post an article, what do you do?
Link dump!
links with snark/pithy comment:
Thank Wal-Mart for your new bank card fee [*1] -- The title should be: "Thank Wal-Mart And Senator Dick Durban For Your New Bank Card Fee" -- it wouldn't have happened without government intervention in the market.
Gunwalker: Under White House Control?- New documents reveal extensive White House communication with the ATF head behind the scandal. - Like Watergate, except an office break-in is a bit different than handing out guns to killers who then go out and kill, isn't it?
Sunday Reflection: Changing the Constitution [*2] -- I like the idea of banning U.S. Senators from seeking the Presidency . . .
Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All [*3] -- Well, yes, that's what has worked since the 1600's, not that the "progressives" have noticed . . .
Koch Brothers Flout Law With Secret Iran Sales [*4] -- A classic, textbook hit piece. See if you can divine the author's agenda. "Telling the truth" isn't it.
Sans Comment:
Barack Obama: Commute Killer [*5]
Alcohol Is The Enemy Of The Family And Civilization [*6]
New Kindle line to be offered at Best Buy, Staples [*7]
The Clear and Present Danger Posed by Space Captains [*8]
Post-Carbon America: Forget about 'peak oil' and global warming. What about two centuries from now, when we'll really need help? [*9]
It ain’t a Tea Party [*10]
The Epic Fail of the Wall Street Protests [*11]
Blinding Red Lights: An interview with Jay Beeber [*12]
Furiously unraveling: Gun scandal still growing [*13]
Writer's/SF Corner
National Novel Writing Month [*14] -- November.
Running on Batteries: Introverts and Conventions [*15]
Being the Anti-Harry Potter is a Good Thing in Adult Fiction [*16]
Writing SF for Young Readers by Greg R. Fishbone [*17]
A reading list: Generation Ships [*18]
Your reactions to Doctor Who: The Wedding Of River Song [*19]
Does Great Science Require Great Science Fiction? [*20]
Emotional and Intellectual Closure [*21]
Douglas Hulick: Me, Myself, and the IE [*22] -- In this context, "Internal Editor".
Star Trek sequel update [*23]
Injury latest obstacle for SDSU's Harris: Injured kicker an upbeat presence for 1-4 Jackrabbits[*24]
Beef Bowl wrap [*25]