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Starbucks VP-Communications deletes Twitter account

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Because he's a SJW* idiot (but I repeat myself).

A Starbucks executive just deleted his Twitter account after backlash over the company's new 'race together' campaign.

Also, Starbucks coffee sucks. That's why you need all the cream and sugar in it to choke it down.

* "Social Justice Warrior": An officious, overbearing, busybody of a mindless knee-jerk leftist twit who has an overwhelming need to feel superior to others by being more "sensitive" or "tolerant" than the next guy, or gal . . . and expresses that sensitivity and tolerance by being astonishingly intolerant and insensitive. They treasure "respectful conversations" which they then define as agreeing with them 100%. If you do not, you are a racist, sexist, homophobe, "worst person in the world," etc, etc.