Welcome to Medary.com Saturday, March 15 2025 @ 06:12 PM CST

Commercials I hate

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Any of the Progressive Insurance "Flo" commercials.

Any pharmaceutical commercial.

Any commercial that includes a phone number.

There are probably more, but those would be a good start . . .

The psychotics are coming out

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June 7th, a deranged psychotic assassinates notorious abortion doctor.

June 8th: a deranged psychotic assassinates one soldier, and wounds another in Little Rock.

Next, a deranged psychotic kills a guard at the Holocaust Museum.

In all cases, everybody EXCEPT the deranged psychotic is blamed, mainly to score some kind of political point. As you see at the last link, the Holocaust suspect apparently belonged to just about every wacko fringe movement, without regard to "left" or "right."

Sometimes, a deranged psychotic killer is just a deranged psychotic killer. The one in Wichita was an anti-abortion fanatic. The one in Little Rock was an Islamic fanatic. The one in Washington, DC. was just plain nuts. I'm not sure how much more analysis of them is necessary or prudent.

Statutory rape fantasist David Letterman

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The title says it all. Forever more the CBS late night show host should be referred to as:

“Statutory rape fantasist David Letterman”

You said what you said, Davey boy. It can not be unsaid. You, and any writer or producer who participated in the writing of—or knew the contents of—that “joke,” and still allowed it to be broadcast, should resign. If you don’t resign, you should be fired.

That would be the beginning of an acceptable “apology.”

Are politicians, as a group, insane?

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Thought for the day: the desire to be a politician is itself a sign of mental illness.

I was thinking about this on the way home from breakfast. So what do I find, linked at Instapundit? This Esquire article:

On January 20, Barack Obama became president of a deranged nation. He did so apparently taking no notice of the fact that a good portion of the country, a country that otherwise repeatedly voiced its support for him in poll after poll after poll, continued to be completely out of its mind. He was calm and reasoned, and he spoke in measured tones about the challenges he and the nation were facing. And then he seemed to go manic on us.
I wonder though, if the impulse which sends individuals to seek political power of any kind might not be some kind of mental disorder.

A cheerful though, is it not? This might be why I have the general opinion that anybody who wants to be President probably shouldn't be allowed anywhere near Washington, D.C., let alone the Oval Office.

Update: Dr. Helen (the wife of Instapundit, linked above) graciously and quickly answered an e-mail I sent her on this subject, and I think the thrust of her reply was that "insane" is probably too strong. She notes that (many but perhaps not all) politicians are prone to narcissism--and for whatever reason, the rest of us are prone to vote for narcissists. So perhaps I should be asking "Are politicians, as a group, mentally ill" instead, as narcissism is a recognized mental illness.

Helpful hint for the coming depression

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Don't REALLY put all your money in your mattress. Or if you do, make sure you don't have a daughter that likes to surprise you:
An Israeli woman unknowingly threw out her mother's old mattress which contained $1 million in savings, the Yediot Ahronot reported on Wednesday.

The woman, identified only as Anat, said she wanted to give her elderly mother a surprise and had bought a new mattress on Monday, throwing the old one out.

However, the "surprise" turned into despair for the mother, who kept all her savings in the mattress, and the news initiated a mad, desperate search through Tel Aviv's myriad of waste tips.

The search has already been going on for three days but there has been no trace of the $1 million-dollar mattress, which may be hard to find among the 3,000 tons of trash dumped every day at the site.



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A link to gmretardation.com. As Moe Lane notes, the person or persons behind this site are "not happy".

I predict that they will have much more company in the next six to twelve months, given the economic illiteracy of our rulers.

"See how we totally screwed over the American taxpayer."

Question Authority. Buy a Ford.

This makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

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Let's say, for whatever reason, you can't afford health insurance. The Government comes along and says "buy health insurance or we'll fine you (or slap a tax on you---same thing). So, if you can't afford health insurance, how do you afford the tax? Bonus question: Under this new scheme (which given the current rulers of this country, is likely to become law), will they also close emergency rooms to uninsured people--people who have access to emergency rooms as clinics-of-last-resort? If you take from people money they don't have, what stops you from taking everything else?

Thought for the day

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Sustainability isn't sustainable.

Tiller-haters: astonishingly un-Christian

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So, abortion doctor George Tiller was murdered. One might even say assassinated. The glee in some circles of the "religious" right (and I use the term "religious" advisedly) is pretty disgusting. What happened to "hate the sin, love the sinner?" What happened to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" What happened to "he who has no sin, let him cast the first stone?" I think abortion is generally a bad thing--at worst, murder, at best, corrosive to both society at large and the psyche of women who undergo the procedure. But having said that, I'm dismayed by people on the right, who often claim that they act on principle, adopting the philosophy that two wrongs make a right. The ends do NOT justify the means. We are either a law-abiding people, or we are an uncontrollable mob. The gleeful right has chosen the latter. This is a very dangerous thing. So, sober up, religious righties. This was an evil deed, done to a man who arguably himself did evil. It is not a cause for celebration by anyone of conscience.

Say it fu#$kin' isn't so, Gordo!

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Foul-mouthed chef and international media star Gordon Ramsay might have gotten a bit overextended, financially, anyway:
Even if his temper is the stuff of GordonRamsaySwearsAtYou.com, you almost gotta feel sorry for Gordo when you read his first interview (with the Times of London) since it was revealed that his empire was in dire financial straits.
Via Instapundit.